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The days has come so fast the relationship between me and Zyrel is getting stronger day by day. His work at my company is bring me and him more close to each other.

My under ground business is now tied to every content of the world. But some are trying there best to take me down to worship their greedy hearts,  but the man next to me thought me how to be satisfied of what we had.

This fast two weeks ago my group got a another attack. It was a crossing each boundaries. They all like to piss me.


Flash back

"Boss .... We are under attack. One of our warehouse of ammunition is they try to take down." Zac said in horrifying voice.

"I'm on my way..... Did you call the back up from second base? "

"Yes boss they are on the way here... "

As always it is so hard for me to leave my office because of the person in the room that I cherish on. But business need me and also my people need me there.

"Baby I'm going I had something important to do at our warehouse okay....."

"Okay boss.... But please be careful and come back safe to me okay... " he said and give me a sweet kisses on my lips.

"Yes darling I will home safe I love you. " I said and take my way.

In my way to the warehouse I heard to gun shots like a war zone. Of course I use my motor bike to take my way fast.  As always I used my black mash and bull cap with my black jacket,  black tee under with pans and shoes.

......bang ......bang......bang....bang.....

The sound of death is shouting and calling to every soul that mean to be died that time....... I lost two of my men,  of this sudden attack.


Back in present

Now we are on my way to Zyrel's sister.  I don't know what to feel,  this decision I made is more harder than to go a war and more scary than a bullets. This time I will know the person he cherish and love for before and maybe after me.

I saw the excitement he had.  And also he already tell his sister our arrival on her place.  I heard him said he is with someone special to him. I know it is hard also for him to let his loving sister about our relationship,  most specially in a guy like me.

'What if she said to broke up with me? Or what if she doesn't like me because she want a woman as she use to see the past relationships of Zyrel? ' I ask to my self.

Zyrel who see my uneasy, he hold my hand and give me a sqeeze of assurance.

"My sister is not a mafia boss to be afraid of... She is understanding,  if she act shock maybe she is not use to see me bring someone special to me. And to be honest your the second person I bring. Except my six best friends." he said and it bring my heart a pain but I understand.

"So I'm a second person, so who is your first person? "

"Oh... Her name is vanizza, she is close to my sister.  And we all think she is the right one. "

"Oh... Did you love her?  Or plan to settled down with her in the future? " I ask. 'And shett it was a fucking hurt inside me. '

"As I said before I never enter a not serious relationship. Yes I love her. " his voice make me sick,  the pain and maybe a hope is still lingering on him. 'Fuck self.... Hmmm baby I will show you that I'm the only person you need. And don't show me the sorry on your past..... I can't let you go!!!!!!  Never baby never!!!! " I declared on my self.

The one hour travel has ended. We are now here in the home of McKenny  family. We are welcoming a woman on her thirties and a warm smile is on her with a open arms for the man next to me and the little girl behind her.

"Zyrel,,,,, ohh I miss you so much..... "

"Hello Eloise,  how are you guys?  And you little one how are you? " he hug her so tight and kiss the woman on her cheek and pick up the little girl. "Oh by the way Eloise, it is Samuel Ford, hmm my boy friend and Sam it is Eloise my sister and her daughter sapphire. " he introduced us to each other. The woman eyes is landed on me with a questioning look.

"Hello Ms. Eloise, it's pleasant to meet you. " I extended my hand for a respect.

"Oh hello,,,, Mr. Ford sorry for my reaction. But I'm happy to meet you to. "And she accept my hand. " I just not use to see him with a guy... Oh come in please  to my humble home. " she said.

She guide us inside,  the house is simple and yet warm. It is will clean,  will decorated with a modern home items. It is not that big and yet presentable enough. I saw a photo frame of zyrel with a woman on his side,  as age as him. The sweet moment is captured will. The happiness is on their eyes that bring a dagger slashed my heart. 

"Hey babe,  are you okay? " he ask.

"Yes,,, I am. "

"Let's seat here she got something in the kitchen. " he said and offers my a seat next to him,  he hold my hand I think he feel my heavy heart. Eloise come with a tray on her hands.

"Guys have some tea. Oh mr. Ford how you meet my little brother. "

"I meet him accidentally. If he say something to you. " I look at him.

"Sister,  remember that I call you,  about the six guys? " he answer.

"Oh so he is the person, who help you?" She ask to my man, and give me a thanks smile. "Thank you for saving him..... I'm happy to know his saviour. So how you two end up being together?  Knowing my brother is you know he has a thing to a woman? " she ask me again,  while zyrel turn to red and he bite his lower lips.

" don't bite your lips baby. We are infront of your sister. " I whispered him, and look back to the woman. " I like him in the first time I meet him. Even I'm a manly in my appearance I always like a man, and also a woman before him. But when I meet him my desire is just for him. " I said...

----------------to be continue -------------------------

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