Cry of your life 17

296 22 2

Samuel Ford

After the call, my heart beat wildly my body carving for a blood. I prepare my men for the war. I my IT provider one of the best in the world, to locate the location of my boyfriend thing for me is easy to do because of the tracking system that I put for this kind of situation. After he confirm the location I send my people to watch the area and the IT is not mistaken. This gang that hold my man is one of low kind of group. They are in kidnap for ransom but it is their last operation to do is today because I will make sure they are all erase in this world. 

Now I'm waiting for the call of the culprit I Need to know who is behind of this and skin him alive. I will make sure ,his family will pledge him even in the hill  wishing that he never born in this dirty world . My men is already posting at the area waiting for my signal to .

The call that I waiting for is now is on the line. In his first three ring I pick up the call, not wanting him to hurt Zyrel in the process. Because I know they are desperate to take me to their side by using my most important person.

" hello....What you want in me?" I ask the person in the other line roughly.

" Nothing that much...but you remember exactly What I offer Mr. Ford." he answered me confidently in what he done he will really sure that I sign the contract. But he was mistaken to think about that stupid action  can bring me with him.

" I had many of the offer now and I don't know which one is your? And who are you?" I use him a reverse psychology to till me who is he.

" Remember Mr. Lucas Smith. So you remember now?" he said carelessly.

"Perfect okay bring your contract and my man so can make a dial after." I said the evil game playing on my demon head.

"Perfect...I will expect you at ****. One more don't let any law authority knows or you love and pretty man die. One wrong move his end."  a word of a coward. 

The call was ended, I made another call to inform my men to be prepare to play the game they plan to do with me. I know this game, I'm the only person can win.

I'm on my way to the please wearing my strong aura, that can shake to every  enemy who try to bump. When I arrive I directly got in ,knowing where they stand as my men instructed me.  I never see yet Zyrel  shadow around. The middle Age man walk toward my position. His face is lighting of thinking his success to this deal. I put my best cover of being cool in front of the culprit. Not giving him a sign that can hurt my man. Before I enter the place I instructed them make sure the safety of Zyrel, without any damage, that make me lost my mind .But also I'm aware it will never happen.

"hey... Mr. Ford to early this person is so much important than anything, to run here to keep him safe......"

Zyrel Maxx

I wake up in a every odd feeling and pain, my hands are tide and my eyes is cover with a cloth. Everything for me is darkness, even the feeling inside me is as dark as the room where I'm seating. Hoping the man of my life, my safest place. Wishing he found here and hold me tight, assuring me that everything is fine. 

I heard a foot steps from a bit far from me. Until the sound of the foot step is come closer  to me. My body is shaking, what I don't understand, I don't had any personal enemy, as i try to remember. I heard one of the man talking ,,,I think they are three person approaching me.  

" This beautiful man is so lucky his boyfriend is so rich to pay for him. But I think it was bitter to taste the sweetness before we give him to that Ford."

" hahahaha me too, I'm carving to touch that soft skin...." the second person said.

" and give him a mind blowing sex pump that he never been experience." and the evil laugh fill is this dark room.

My heart keep on praying, that someone come to my rescue. Now I know they kidnap me for a ransom, because they know I'm with Sam. I know if they do the things they want on my body, I know it hurt Sam in a million times. In my surprise the three voice I heard moment ago is stop and the silence is resume of the  four corner of the dark room.  

A hand holding my arm and a whisper I heard like a mega volt of electricity that give a life of my low hope of freedom.

" Don't make a noise the boss send us to save you. He is out side dealing the culprit and the scumbag....... Boss the queen is safe....."  he said to me and he inform his boss that I am safe.

The sound of the gun shot are starting to sing. Like a war zone ........ bang......


Samuel Ford 

The time my men give me a assurance of the safety of my boyfriend. I make a demonic smile and death look to the most brainless person in front of me. He forwarded on my sudden change of emotion. 

" I think this dirty business deal of you is end here. This stupid contract you prepare for me is done here." I took my lighter and the paper in my hand is starting to burn. 

I point my gun on his head, in his own eyes the people he contacted is one by one fall down on the floor. The leader of the gang is trying to shot on me but my gang is faster done him is now in the floor still alive but can't make his self to stand . On the other hand Mr. Smith is now on his knee tided hands facing me.

" you mess up with a wrong person Mr. Smith and Mr. both regret this." I show them a photo of their family members.

" No please....... they are not part of this......take my life not my family......" Mr. Smith cry for his son and wife. Mr. Mercado almost jump on what he saw that I know who is his wife and where the person live.

"oh. did you think that man is innocent soul too, but you dare to include him on this?" I said to him.

" how you know me and my wife and where he live?" Mr. Mercado ask.

" Easy, because I know every single gang and their immediate family in this country, even other countries."

" No...... no........please....." the two scumbag trying their best to save their families.

As what I said I bring them to my warehouse and let my people do things that right for them for the payment of what they done to my man. They can touch me as their enemy I'm not bother at all. But it is different if they try to include Zyrel for their personal motive.   

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