Contract 10

397 27 2

Samuel Ford

It's been four days after I lift. I'm not comfortable from first day I go, because that friend he had. Then in second day my men is calling me that the man is visiting him again alone. But I till them not to harass the person in front of Zyrel.

I'm here in the office of my home. Trying to calm down before I open to the monitor. First is I checked today event at his home. Early in the morning his morning routine as usual he is out of the house at exactly eight in the morning. I'm not stopping the video and but I made it fast forward so I can check if something is wrong while his not home. To be honest I'm so tired but I want to be sure his safety.

When my eyes catch a someone entering into his house. The person use a mask entering to his room and put something on the the table facing to the bed.

'fuckk...... Shittt that fucking asshole....'

I picked up my phone in my table. Directly call my baby. In how many ring he picked it up.

" Hey baby..... How are you....?"

"Hello Sam I'm great... You?"

"I'm fine.... But I had something to ask you.?"

"what is that?"

"are you done your bath or change your clothes now?"

"not yet. Why you ask.?"

"okay.... Please don't do that yet okay I'm on my way. I had something to tell you in person."

"okay..... But why I can't go clean while your on the way."

"please baby don't ever try to take that clothes off for now, if I'm not yet there."

I speed up my car and informing the front desk to call my man down and hold him for mean time. After how many minutes I running inside of the building. I saw him at the leaving area of the building seating and waiting for my arrival.

" heyyy baby..... Sorry to bring you here down because I don't want you to do something inside of your room now...."

"Hello what is happening.... You scared me." he is now in my arms buried his face on my chest.

"it's okay baby...... let's go up I had something to show you."

"okay...." I hold his hand going to the elevator I kiss him in the lips. When the door is open to the floor we want I put my mask.

"Why you use that mask?"

"I don't want him to use me against you or black mail you. Or whatever he plan and why he doing this."

"what???? I don't understand."

"later I will late you know in our home not here."

"okay daddy...." I like the word daddy.... So much. A smile is on me.

When we go inside I took the small gadget it was four of it I blacking the lenses of that small cameras. I put it inside of a bag. And call my men to clear the area for my man safety. I let also my IT to make a new digital lock on his home.

"Hey what's the small thing you hold.? "

"Baby it is small monitoring cameras. It is use for spying your activity inside. Come on let's talk about it at home is not safe here."

His eyes widen upon hearing the answer. But he never said anything or react too. I driveng home with him. I also planing the thing how to answer his questions. He is smart I know his calculating the event in his mind. I don't want him to think negative about me for now. I can't handle to lose him. When we arrive home I open the door for him and guide him to the elevator. He was so silent in or way home.   He was on the couch still silent. I feel nervous on what is in his mind. With his calm voice he ask me.

"How you know there is some camera in my home?" it is the thing is on my mind he ask me.

"Your body guards I put for your protection catch a man coming from your house. They don't know the person and it is not a worker in the building. Then they know also your not home. Reason they call the attention of the person but he try to go away. Then they chases after the person and they get that information. " I lied.

" So where is him? "

" don't worry about that I handle him. For now you need to stay here so my man locate the other cameras or what the person put in your place. "

" but I want to see him. "

" baby listen he is not good for you to see. I don't want you to feel pity to him. Please trust me for this okay. "

He let a heavy breath and nodded. I feel relieve. Because if he keep asking I don't had other choice to drag his friend in front of him.  I know he will be hurt that much.

" okay.... Now baby go in our room clean your self and I prepare for dinner... Hmmm" I kiss his head.

"okay but don't had clothes here."

" use mine..... Go so you relieve that stress. There is also extra tooth brush there."

"okay..... Thanks.."  he walk back but before his first step I slap his pretty ass. I can't hold my self to see that.

"heyy.....pervert...." he gives me a death look. I laugh on his reaction it takes all my tiredness.

I take of my upper clothes and prepare the things I need for cooking. I plan to make a steak for our dinner, and some vegetables. I love cooking. My mom teaches me in my every young age. She said no matter what life you had in this world you need to know how to cook.

If I'm not a engineer and business man. I might be a chif. I just shake my head but yes I really love staying in the kitchen if I had time. But my thoughts take back in reality after the arms warping at my body from the back.

"Baby give me thirty minutes to make this. Are you hungry?" I ask and turn my body to give him a pick on his lips.

"Not yet hungry... Why so sexy at the kitchen?" he ask me and I pick up him and let him seat at the counter.

"oh do I look sexy? Wow my clothes is seducing when your the one who use it."

"hmmm babe... I already think about signing that contract and follow your order. I guess that is quite interesting."

"hmm.... So you find that interesting... Okay and I make it more interesting after you sign that...."

"I'm excited how it runs...but can I ask something to add on that."


"hmmm... Can we end that contract after six months as a due. Then if we find it not good for both of us too the contract will avoid."

"yes.... That six months term enough time for us to learn each other, but avoid contract with in side six months I don't. Because I wanted to prove to you in that six months that I can be your forever."

"hmmmm okay agree...."

After I had done. I settled at the table to had the food before any of the things we need to do. I want also to make sure he is not forced to sign because of the things happen now. He agree and we sign the contract. Now I can hold him with out any fair of losing him. In this early.

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