the allied 28

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After so many things happen in last two months, I want to make my allies stronger as ever. One of the best allies I always relay on is my best friend, my mentor for this kind of business. He is usually my father adapted child and he start as a subordinate, when he is started his business. This man is workaholic, business minded, a mad man of success, a great and loyal family member.


It was now middle of the year the usual month of mafia families and allies meeting. This event is some kind of foundation event that organize by the business sector, government leaders, that connected on the black market. For the purpose of helping the needed one's.

For me as a member of this organization, I never be excited on this kind of event but this time I need to be in the said gathering, to straighten my business and connection. Although my company is on the strong level but the fact that many are trying to pull down my empire and it is my most worried time, mostly Zy is planing to had our little angel at home. The worries is on me for the safety of my man and the up coming new member. But I know in my self I can't say no to him for that plan, and it's better than he always out from home.

My busy mind is stop when my hand phone is ringing. I take the gadget and look who is calling. My eyes is glue on the phone upon the name of the caller popped up.

'Fuck with this fucker. ' I coursing.

It was Luke Amone, yes he still on the earth after Zyrel wants him alive, but in return of it, he cut his connection to my man. But this mother fucker is always calling at me asking how was my man doing. I press the answer key and wait the person to talk.

"Hey Mr. Ford.... How are you? " he started the conversation with me.

"What you want? " I answer without life.

"Sorry for disturbing you, but I just want to know how was Zyrel now? " he ask.

"Why you ask? Are you not done after what you do that almost bring him to death? Are you not satisfied on what you've done, until now you keep on bothering him? " I said hardly.

"I know I mess a big thing, but all I want is his forgiveness. I know I don't had a rights to ask about his whereabouts. I'm really sorry for that mess but all I want to know is his situation now, even I know you never let him be on danger. " he explain.

"He was great, hope after this call you never contact me and my wife. Just leave and disappeare from his life.... Do I am clear on you? " my voice is getting harder.

Every time I heard his voice and hear his name I want to kill this person. But I can't because of my Angel. He love his friends, his family and they are part of his happiness and I can't take it away from him.

After that call I made another call to my most trusted men. I give a new instructions to him about the safety measures of my wife.

"Zac,,,, double our security for Zyrel, monitor every movement of that Amone. He start of calling again. " I said.

"Yes boss, I do my best so that mother fucker not come near to Sir Zyrel. " Zac still not moving on, on what happened in the past. He really like a big brother on my man. All he want is the safety of Zy. If I don't know him so much I might get jealous on him after all the affection he give to Zy.

"Great. " I said.

After that short of conversation my phone ring back. When I look at the ID I saw my brother name.

"Hello bro.... "I said.

"Hi how are you and your man? " he ask.

"Me I'm perfectly fine and Zy is great to. What about you, and jacky? " I ask.

Jacky is the name I give to the wife of my brother Alexander Fox. They are marriage in about two years and they bless with two wonderful angel. Alex is my brother in the business, and he is a good mentor to me when I just started this business after my dad stop of doing this kind of business.

"Oh jack is great.... Speaking of my wife, he invite you and your man for a dinner this weekend. Hope you be here because he really call me a hundred times just to invite you for that dinner. " Alex exaggerate the word hundred.

Jacky never change, what he want he always had, as a only son of lady Venus. Although he never grow this kind of business because of his father, but he can't run from the blood of being a mafia. Because after his uncle died no one is fit enough to be a leader of their syndicate. He live his life under a good cover, but he is more dangerous than Alex when it comes to his family safety and territories. He even kill hundreds of people in just one hour of fight, and take down six strong leader of different syndicate.

"Yes expect us there, oh by the way is Alice is there too? " I ask again.

Alice is the only woman in our circle of three Alice is the daughter of a Japanese syndicate her operation is all Asian countries, with the help of Alex, jacky and me. She become more deadly after the death of her sister in the hand of her sister husband.

"Yes she is here to, I think she is with her boyfriend now, hahaha.. " Alex said and I laugh with him.

"How come she had a man...? She is more manly than a he...." I ask.

" I don't know either.... I'm surprised when she said to me 'buddy this is my boy' fuck the hair on my skin standing all with the word." Alex dramatically said.

My brother was a ruthless mafia but he was funniest one in the family our father can't stop laughing on his funny stories. Alexander is a adapted child of my dad, and treat him like our own blood. When he decided to made his own business and syndicate dad allowed him because he was so determine and wise in term of business and strategy. He started his business with a scraps and build it into a strong empire until now.

"Okay bro we were there. " I said to him with assurance. be continue..................

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