Decision 14

324 21 3

Samuel Ford

A hard thing for my boyfriend is to leave the place where he think it is his comfort zone. But I'm so positive to change his point of view so i can sure his safety and to save my sanity for being around him. I'm so fucking up to think he is far from me. Although I am willing to support him but things is going to be hard nowadays  mostly this rival is trying to discover who is really am I.

I'm looking to my sleeping man be side me, carries his soft skin. Whispering a sweet word and promises of love honesty and care. I'm not a sweet person, not a clingy and cuddle one, but for him I change in one hundred degrees from old me. Before I never think twice of getting home late or stay outside in how many days or weeks. But now I'm always wanted to be home. While eying his sleeping figure my protective and possessive side is playing in side me and let out a finality words of protection in silence.

' I can't give a fuck to those people. And let them to hurt you baby no one could try..... No one!!!!' I said in my self.

He move a bit to look me. I never wish of anything, anything more than of waking up with him beside me. He move a bit and slowly open his beautiful eyes and blink a few times. In his husky voice he greeted me.

"Good morning babe, how long you look at me in my sleep?"

"hmmm...a bit long enough to memorize your beautiful face."

"Hey correction I'm not a girl I'm a guy. Don't use that endearment on me."

"but your beautiful in my eyes.... And that is final..." I said.

"ohh babe I'm afraid of what happened today. I think, I just give my resignation and keep the things in my self, things that I know about the company." He said in his worries.

"Baby,,, for me it's better to let the higher know about so they never drag your name to the CEO dirty games."

"if I do that can you be there. Not in my nature to intervene the complication of others."

"yes I be there, in fact they try to get me in there wings I can use this situation to decline their offer to me." yes this company is trying hard to get in my wings as their protection. Now they give me a good reason to decline their offer.

Last night before I pick up my man I already give them a call to had a business meeting with them. I look at the possibilities, that Zyrel is decided to step out of that company today. As I expect after of what he see on the documents he is now seated beside in my car driving to his working place and soon to be his former company.

Upon I enter the building door, my assistant is approaching me holding the things I needed and also the resignation letter of my boyfriend. People are use to greet my man as their respect on him as one of the high positions of the department of accounting and finance.

I can't handle the affection to my man, their eyes staring at him. Mostly of a low grade woman, dressing like a slut in this company, so called Van's hills group. People eyes is painted a confusing look towards me holding the perfect curve of Zyrel Maxx.

He is not comfortable of my gesture, but I need this to mark my place. He look at me, a look of discomfort, but i don't give a any attention of it. All I want is to kill the monster inside me the jealousy. My assistant walk to the inform to the higher positions that I arrive in their company. Mr. Van call me to let me know that there waiting at their conference room.

"Baby go with me at the meeting area." I ask him. I want him to know me in the business world.

"where they set up the meeting with you babe?" he asked me back instead of answering my question.

"In the conference room. I know you know where that located." I answered him.

"okay I'm with you, I can send my resignation to them." he declared to me.

As we walk to the company building going to meeting room. When we arrive my assistant entered to let them know that I was in outside. When he opened the door back I step inside, while Zyrel is in my side. I put my serious look and a business smile painted at my lips. While Zyrel is silently step with.

"ladies and gentlemen Mr. Samuel Ford, and his life time partner Mr Zyrel Maxx." my assistant introduced me and Zy to the people inside.

I saw the shock face of the lady boss. And the open mouth of everyone who knows my Zyrel. In their look you can see they never expect the Zyrel Maxx they know is with a man, the man they want to be with them for their personal motives.

I saw also Ms. Van the young CEO of this company. Upon she saw me and Zy the color of her face change into fair, fair of losing their opportunity to be in my company.

"Good morning everyone... As what my assistant said this Zyrel my man is with me..... And let me direct you all.... I decline the offer you gave me..." I said.

Ms. Van who is first slap on the reality ask me.

"Why? What is your reason of declining us?" she said rudely.

" as pair on your company ms. Van I give you my reasons. Even though it was not important and it was rude if I'm not answering..." I saw everyone ears is with me. "first... I do not see a potential in this company. Second...this company is corrupt.... And third the company is disrespectful towards other and most of employees are not will trained in discipline and will manners."

"Hey.... Slowly of accusing us, this company is not corrupt and our employees are all responsible and respectful. If that accusation is true then give us a evidence." she said furiously.

And my assistant step forward to give thim all the necessary evidence they want and he give also the resignation letter of my boyfriend to the CEO. And she look at Zyrel a questioning look. But I never let him answer her silent question.

" I want my man to resign. Because I'm afraid that his name drag in the mess of this company." I answer.

"you can't just accuse my company and full out my employees all sudden. But if you insist on your decision and his decision, I don't had any choice is to let him pay for a bridge of contract."

I gave her a last words and take my leave with my man. And give them the chick for the payment of the bridge.

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