"Time of death " 26

280 23 3

Samuel pov

My world is shaking when I heard the gun firing and Zyrel turned me. What I'm not  expected at all was he even shield me with his life. I feel the blood on his back sucking of my hand. My world stop instantly.

""Baby.... No.... Why????  I'm not coming here just to wetness your dying in my arms... Please don't close your eyes please.... Don't... " I said and pleading him not to leave me. But he answer me in his most exhausted way.

"Sorry I'm tried,,, but I .....always..... love you babe.... Even the darkness come I still love you till end.... " he said and close his eyes.

I pull him at my embrace,  and carry him carefully.  And giving my man a order.

"Let the the doctors be ready for emergency at the ship. And tie that fucker.... I deal him latter." I said while I'm running back to the speed boat to bring us to the ship where I prepared for this situation

What I'm not expect is my beloved man is the one who use it.... I can't help being angry on my self, why I let it happened. I'm behind furious that I can kill people around if they come across my limit. When we arrived at the ship I put him on the bed, and the doctor is moving to the operation room.

" doc. Sarah,,  make sure he was safe... Am I clear.? " I order her.

"Yes boss... We do our best..... " after I heard her I sat down on the chair next to me. I call my assistant, after how many minutes I saw him standing in front of me.

"  how could it happened? Why that bastard pulling a trigger under your watch? Am I kidding when I till you to tie him.? " I shouted him.

"Sir we are catch of guard when he struggle, and directly pull the gun on Ace hand. " he said in a lower head.

"You all pray he will survive or you all get the beast on me.... For now make sure that asshole can't move even a inche. Understand. " I shouted at the man.

"Yes, boss. " Zac walk away after my words.

It was my first time I rise my voice on him. But I know he would understand. He was behind furious too on what happened on Zyrel. Because I see the two are building a strong friendship. The bound that I never feel possessive, because I know Zyrel and Zac that much and I trust them both.


Two hours from the time Zyrel bring inside of the operating room. Two hours of hell, now I starting to worry, when I try to close my eyes I saw his pretty face, and the pain on it, I even heard his last words before he close his beautiful eyes.

My heart is start sinking inside of my chest. I'm not the man usually show my emotion to anyone. But this moment I feel so variable in everyone around,  but I make sure no one can see me in this state. I only show this side of me only to Zyrel the man I only love.

The happy memories is lingering on my head.  The first time I saw him, in exact time I claim him his mine. A smile he made for me, first kiss,  a first hug, a first touch, first jealousy, first of all first till the last event of this day is running on my mind. The rain on my eyes is showering upon my face. The coldness of my heart is eating me and the demon inside me keep on kicking me to go the place where the bastard. But my heart telling me to be there wait until the doctor come,  my patients is so thin but I don't had a choice but to wait. But the world is joking at me. When I heard the words from the other side of the door.

"Time of death 7:45 pm. "

A month after.

I'm here seating at the sea side looking from far away, in a very early in the morning. I wake up before the sun is rising from the north the color of the water is like a black diamond, and slowly become a orange to become a yellow.

The cold breeze of air in early of September is blowing at my face. The singing of the birds and the dancing of the small leafs of the tree is making me smile. While memories of my beloved man in this place is coming on me.

The laughter, the cursing and forgiving is all happened in here. I touch the sand a smile is painting on my lips, because this place where I stand in the place where we make love in a open place,  that time I saw his red face. He was to embarrassed but who cares.

My heart got hurt when I remember the past when he the gun shoot in the ship where he get his surgery. The feeling of long darkness is in my soul.

Flash back

"Time of death 7:45 pm. "

"Nooooo...... No it can't be..... Babe you never do this to me..... Please......" I cry my pain in my heart...

I can't breathe the whole place is stop from moving. My heart is stop of pumping inside my chest. No words come out on my mouth only the sadness in me.


I don't know why every time I remember that day it's killing me. It killing me because I fail of protecting him that time. That bullet is for me but he choose to protect me and give his life just to save mine.

My body get relax when a arm wrap me from the back. I smell the natural scent of the person makes me calm.

"Why to early here? Oh don't tell me you still remember that past month. " he said while he buried his face at the crook of my neck.

...................to be continue.................

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