I want you 18

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Zyrel Maxx 

I fall a sleep after the comfortable hands touching on my body, it was so familiar. The safe feeling bring me on a deep sleep to the place that I know, the night come fast. 

Now I'm seating hear in the bed that so familiar to me , the smile is spreading in all over the room. This is the only safest area I only know after the the incident.  when the time I open my eyes, the man I longing for is holding me tight. ' My safest place, my home' I murmured.

I move his arm, so I can go to the bathroom to do my business. But the man next to me, in his close eyes hold me more tight  like his afraid of losing me , in any second if he let go my body. I look his sleeping face,  and ask my self who this man is behind of all his sweet side?

After the last night's event I can't figure out who he was?  What kind of work he has or maybe I just think so much. The only thing I know I love him the way he is and who he was, his bad side and good side. No one can change it,  after what he did last night for my safty,  it touch my heart hardly.

"Baby.... Please sleep back don't stare at me in early in the morning.... I might eat you." His erotic word with his morning voice.

"Babe need to go in bathroom,  but you hold me so tight.  Let go first na." I said sweetly and kiss his cheek.

",okay..... "  he get up and pick me out on the bed.

"Hey I can walk." I protest on his action.

"Hmmm.... I just don't want you being separate from me... Like yesterday,  I almost got loss I'm afraid you if losing you... From now on you can't leave my side without me our any of your body guards,  you got me? "

"Fine and also I'm so afraid yesterday. Why they are taking me??? It was true about the guy talking that over heard,  they take me because of your money?" I ask him wanting to know the true from him while I'm busy with my business.

"Yes that was part of it. And the big reason was they want us to sign the collaboration contract to them." He explain.

"Oh why they need to take me? And who us the people who help you? "

"Because your the only person they knows that I can't stay still and I do everything for them for your safety.  And the people with me is my friends." I believe with him and his words,  but part of me is keep kicking me.

Samuel Ford

In early in the morning my beautiful man next to me taking my drowsiness upon on his question.  I feel uneasy to this because he start questioning my business and people around me. I want him always at my side but the feeling of keeping a big secret behind his back is can't help of my relationship with the person next to me.

I know the time for my secrets is nearly to revealed to him. Before someone can till him about my hiding activities I make it my way. I till him after a week I wanted to give this to him that everything is good in the business.


A week after the accident.
I'm planing to end every secret I had. And to return to him,  his trust to me. We are now on our way to my vacation house,  it is his second time to come this place after that simple kidnapping I did before.

"Oh baby are you ready to my surprise?" I ask him.

"Oh your spoiling me everyday.  And yes I'm excited with that surprise." He smile  at me dearly.

"Spoiling you is my greatest achievement, most specially if I see your lovely smile. Hmmm baby.... I had something to till you also later but hope you understand and if you need time it's okay but please don't leave me whatever you heard from me later. " I said to him,  hoping there's nothing changes between me and him.


The hours come so fast.  The night has come and the time for the real me and his decision. But I know my self he can understand me and my world.

After we set our things inside of the room,  I bring him to the roof top of the vacation house.  Where I settle a table of good variety of foods by the help of my team and also some expensive wine.

"Wow ....how you made this and when this thing prepared here? "

"Just now and by the help of my friends. Seat down and let's enjoy the food." I pull his chair to seat on and walk to my side.

While our on, our food hr keep looking on the dark sky.  His innocent look keep hunting me and now I'm here charis it. But I need to do the things right now.

"Baby...... I had something to till you right."

"Yes what it is? " he answer me.

"Oh.. I need to be honest to you so this relationship last long I know you like a open book but you only know me as a business man a young successful bachelor." I stop so I can get ready,  and I put some wine on his glass and started again. " but that is not only business I do. I also operate a black market.  I know that you know what is the meaning of black market right ? Baby sorry if I keep it with you a bit long. Only I know is I want you and I don't want to lost you." His eyes is open wide,  when he get his composure he start of questioning me.

" so you mean illegal trading, killing in short moab? Your a leader ? That thing happened the kidnapped case is because of this?  So it is the reason why you always strict about my safety? " he look at me with disbelief.

He stand and from his seat and walk at the wall facing on the sea.  My heart is stumbled like I near to lost my air with my chest hammering inside me wildly. Is he need a time our he want to break with me?

........ To be continued.........

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