Chapter 1: Welcome Back

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Today was the day.

I was finally moving back to California after finishing up my last two semesters of school in Minnesota. I could have gone to school in California, but it was about one tenth of the cost back in Minnesota, and so were the apartments.

I was able to go to school while working at my old job again, which was weird to be back at, but just temporary. I did a bunch of shoots on the side too which got me quite a bit of money saved on top of what I still had. Now that I was graduated I could have a portfolio, diploma and a good resume, and I'd be able to take my career up a notch.

I was going to miss home after getting to see my family again almost every day, but I also missed LA. Specifically, I missed my friends in LA. Even more specifically, Colby.

I became friends with a big group of people after getting hired to do a clothing shoot for Sam and Colby. Sam and Colby liked my pictures so much they hired me on to be their permanent clothing line photographer. Over time I became really close with Colby, not like relationship close but friendship close. I was semi close with Sam too after hanging out with everyone in their friend group, but Colby and I seemed to really get along the best. Besides him, I became close friends with Kat and Devyn too, I was excited to see them. But back to Colby.

I have always had a small crush on him that had never gone away, if anything it got bigger as time went on. A small part of me felt like he had maybe felt the same way, but neither of us wanted to say anything. I know I really missed him when I left, and he seemed like he was really going to miss me.

When I first moved back we used to talk every day, but eventually it dwindled to maybe once a week. We'd send each other a snap every once in a while but that was about it. It made me sad when we started drifting apart, and made me worried that things wouldn't be the same when I came back.

Devyn and Kat had been texting me all morning telling me they were so excited to see me when they went to meet me at the airport. I was sitting at my gate ready to board the plane, a bunch of thoughts ran through my head. Colby hadn't snapped me in a few days... was he not excited to see me?

3 hours later I was walking off the plane into LAX and my may to baggage claim. As I got there I started to hear squeals and I looked to my left to see Devyn, Kat, and Corey standing there with a huge welcome back sign.

Devyn and Kat came running towards me and I opened my arms. They engulfed me and we all squealed and cried like girls do, and after a minute we pulled away and they complimented my hair, my body.

I had been really trying to be healthy so I could come back with a new start, and I told them how I had lost 25 pounds and I couldn't feel any better than I did. They said they were so proud of me. Once we got our greeting done I walked over to Corey who gave me a big hug too.

"Nice to see you bud" he said as he rubbed my shoulder. I smiled and said "you too," and I looked around.
"Have you guys heard from Colby at all?" I asked, the disappointment evident in my expression. They all looked between each other and shrugged.

"I asked if he wanted to come to the airport and he said he was busy" Devyn said with a wince.

My heart sunk.

"Oh" I said plainly.

"I'm sorry.. I know you were excited to see him" Kat said, "but we're here and we are so happy you're back."

I smiled, "me too."

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