Chapter 26: Realization

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The next morning Colby ended up leaving early because he had a meeting to go to with Sam and he forgot about it.

We were woken up by his phone ringing, it was Sam wondering where he was. He ended up jumping out of bed and throwing his shirt on, and I sat up and asked what was going on. He told me and he sat down next to me to put on his shoes.

I sat up a little and tried to get my bearings, I rubbed my eyes and when I reopened them colby was smiling at me. All the memories of last night flooded back to me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Sorry I have to leave so quick," he said as he looked shyly down to tie the other shoe.

"It's okay" I said, and I just watched him. He was so cute. I had butterflies in my stomach that were almost too much to handle that early in the morning.

When he was ready he stood up and went around the bed to grab his phone. "I'll text you later okay?" He said as he slipped it into his pocket.

I nodded and he smiled and went to turn to leave. He suddenly stopped, turned on his heels and walked back around to my side of the bed, leaned down and placed a long, passionate kiss on my lips. It was so sudden I barely had kissed him back before he leaned away. We smiled and held each other's gaze for another second before he turned and walked out of the room.

I just sat there smiling, letting all the thoughts and feelings come back to me. I couldn't believe we did that.

—————Colby's POV—————

I jogged down to my car and made my way to the place we were gonna have our meeting at. The whole way there my brain was filled with the memories of last night, my thoughts were foggy.

I had so many emotions going through me that I felt my body shaking, I needed to talk to Sam. I know I shouldn't tell anyone what happened between me and Tessa, but he was my best friend and I needed to tell someone.

I don't know why I thought telling someone would help, but my anxiety was going through the roof and got worse as I got there. I was super happy, don't get me wrong, that was just the problem. What happened last night made me feel closer to her than I had ever been with anyone and I didn't know how to handle it.

I walked into the meeting room to see Sam and our managers already in there, Sam waved.

"Wassup dude, where were you?" He asked as I sat down.

He normally drives us both to the meetings so I'm assuming he had knocked on my door before calling me.

"I was at Tessa's."

I sat down next to him and he just stared at me, I didn't look at him because I knew he was giving me a look.

The meeting started and lasted about an hour, I couldn't stop fidgeting in my seat. About halfway through Sam nudged me and asked if I was okay, and I said I was fine even though I wasn't.

When the meeting ended and the managers left, I looked at my phone to see if I had any texts from her, but I didn't. I was a little sad, but I remembered I said I'd text her so she was probably being patient. I don't know why I was expecting to hear from her, I was just anxious I guess.

"Are you sure you're okay dude, you've been acting weird" Sam said, "did you and Tess get in a fight or something?"

I took a breathe, trying to push the words out.

"I slept with her."

There was silence, and I slowly looked up to his wide eyes.

"Wait you what?" He asked, probably trying to see if he heard me right.

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