Chapter 19: Getting Closer

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Colby went to his place and showered while Sam Kat and I all chilled and got snacks ready for when we watched the videos. He dimmed his lights and put on the colored blue florescent ones and grabbed some blankets. I sat down on the edge of the couch next to the end table and I took out my phone to troll while we waited. Sam and Kat sat toward the corner of the sectional so Kat could lay down on Sam's lap, so the whole middle of the couch was open.

A few minutes later Colby walked in in a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, his hair still damp from his shower.

"Alright come sit down and let's do this thang" Sam yelled to him.

"Hell yeah" Colby said as he walked over, "I haven't seen the footage since you've put it together."

He grabbed a bottle of water from the coffee table and turned and plopped on the couch right next to me, his leg falling against mine as he got comfortable. I had a feeling he'd sit close to me, but I got a few butterflies nonetheless.
Sam sort of gave us a rundown of what he did with it and how he went about putting everything together, I was excited to see it.

As we started the first video Colby leaned over and grabbed a blanket that was laying next to him.

"Bro your apartment is always an icebox" he said as he threw the blanket over himself.

"That's what the blankets are for brother" Sam said as he grabbed one for himself and Kat.

Colby then looked over at me and held out some of the blanket towards me. I gladly took some of it, taking this time to scoot closer to him even though the blanket was big enough without having to. I wasn't sneaky about it either, I snuggled into his side as I wrapped the blanket around me.
He looked down at me and gave me a cheeky grin, and suddenly I felt his hand slide slowly onto my leg and he squeezed lightly.

I felt butterflies through my entire body as I smiled brightly and looked at the tv, letting my body get less tense as I relaxed.
I continued to smile as the video played, reminiscing on all the memories from our trip. I had so much fun on that trip.

We all sat and laughed and Sam would pause the video to talk about other things that happened behind the scenes, or one of us would tell him what to do in that part of the video.

Colby kept his hand on my thigh, letting his thumb rub circles every now and then. Every time he did it would send chills up my spine and every once in a while I would look at him and smile. It felt so good to just feel wanted by someone, regardless if I was with them or not, just the affection of someone caring was enough.

There was a point during the video, however, where I set my leg up on the coffee table to readjust how I was sitting, and Colby slowly slid his hand from the top of my leg towards my inner thigh.

I could feel my body tense up at the touch, which I knew he could feel but I knew it wasn't a bad thing.
Soon after he did this, the video skipped to when we were all huddled around the fire telling ghost stories, which were actually kind of creepy from what I remembered. I slowly turned towards Colby and my knee fell onto his leg, and I decided be extra and lay my head down on his shoulder and hold onto his arm.

I heard him laugh as his hand squeezed my inner thigh.
"Are you getting rescared?" He asked, I could tell he was looking down at me.

"Dude your stories were scary cause I knew they were real" I said in defense, and he laughed again.

"Now that I think about it it was kinda creepy to be telling scary stories around a fire in the woods" Sam said from across the couch.

"And that's why I don't go on trips with you guys, cause you do stupid things like that" Kat said.
I stayed cuddled up to Colby even after that part was over, which I don't think he minded.

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