Chapter 14: The Next Location

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I remember waking up when Sam and Corey came to bed, I could hear them whispering but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Because I was still laying against Colby they had plenty of room to lay down and be comfortable, and I quickly fell back asleep.

The morning came quickly and I slowly blinked open my eyes. There was just a little light peering through the tent, and I lifted my head up to look around. My eyes met Colby's instantly, a smile already on his face as he watched me intently. I felt his thumb rub a circle around my arm and I tried to focus on him.

"Morning" He said quietly.

"Good morning" I whispered, feeling my cheeks get hot over how close our faces were. I watched his eyes drop to my lips and his smile faltered. He was so pretty... what was I thinking?

"How long have you been awake?" I asked, trying to get some words out before I did something stupid. I couldn't believe what I had just thought about right then. I woke up in Colby's arms and the first look at each other he's glancing at my lips, making me glance at his and for a split second I imagined kissing him.

"Not very long" he said, taking me out of my thoughts.

I felt his hand slide up towards the middle of my waist and he pushed me back down to his chest, wrapping his other arm around me in a hug. I smiled and held him tightly, inhaling the sweet smell of the cologne on his neck.

I realized my leg was wrapped around his under the blanket and I felt my heart skip a little, thinking about the fact that my thigh was very close to his hip region...

I know this sounded cheesy and this normally wasn't something that i over thought about, but for some reason I overthink things with Colby. We were best friends for a long time, I left, came back, and he'd been acting so different around me. Now we've been cuddling the last two nights... just thinking about it gave me butterflies... but he has a girlfriend, so I couldn't think like that.

But what did he think about everything? Does he just see it as two friends who are super close? But even when we were even closer before we never did stuff like this..I don't think I've ever been that close to him before.
It just all felt so comfortable, until I thought too much into it, then I'd get nervous.

He loosened his grip and I slowly slid my leg off from his and sat up, leaving my hand laying over his stomach.

"I wonder what time it is" I said as I yawned. Colby shrugged and sat up. I moved my hand up and rubbed my eyes. When I took my fists away and my eyes focused I realized how close he was to me once again. He was slouched forward with his hands in his lap and he was just looking at me.

"Wait don't move," he suddenly said, "you have an eyelash."

He leaned towards me and reached his hands up to the sides of my face. I felt like my heart dropped into my stomach. His face was just inches from mine, and suddenly he blew air forcefully out of his mouth and towards my eye. It made me flinch and I giggled.

"Jesus" I said and he chuckled.

"That didn't work" he said through a laugh as his thumb swiped under my eye. I watched his focused eyes looking down at his thumb until they flicked up to mine, and once again it felt like my heart dropped.

"I got it" He said, his eyes steady on mine. His look was so intimidating.
I just stared at him. If I had thought of saying anything the words would have caught in my throat.

It wouldn't have been as bad if his hands still weren't holding my face. I found that so attractive. He was attractive. Ugh I couldn't help it in that moment.

I must have nervously licked my lips, not realizing until his eyes lowered to them before flicking back up quickly. His eyes looked back and forth at mine almost like he was in a trance, That's the only way I could describe it. I finally pushed out a word.

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