Chapter 10: More Jealously

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I woke up after what seemed like only a minute of sleep, and I checked my phone to read 8am. I had gotten about 4 hours.. I decided to get up and shower before the boys woke up, I knew I wouldn't be able to shower for a couple days so I took extra time to clean and shave.

When I got out I put my hair up in a bun and brushed my teeth and did my eyebrows, the only makeup I planned to do. I put on a sports bra, dark grey t shirt, a pair of black leggings and a reddish orange flannel. Once I was dressed I took my hair down to air dry and walked back into the room.

I scanned around and saw Colby laying awake on his phone, and when he saw me come out he sat up. I waved at him and went over to my bag to grab the boots I was gonna wear for the day.

He got out of bed and came and sat on the chair that was next to me.

"You're up early" he said, his voice raspy.
"I know I just woke up and decided to get ready" I whispered.
I put my boots on and started to tie them.

"Are you hungry? They have breakfast downstairs till 9" I added.

"Yeah I'm down, should we let them sleep a little more? They can always grab something from somewhere later" Colby said. I nodded, especially since Sam had to drive, he needed sleep. Colby had on a black t shirt and black sweats, his hair was messy from sleeping.

"You might wanna put on a hat" I said with a giggle as I reached up and ruffled his hair.
He smiled, "Is it bad?"
I nodded and he got up to grab a hat and shoes. When he was ready we both left the room and made our way down to the lobby.

We each got a plate and drinks and sat down at a small table in the corner of the room. We talked about the plan for the day and about last night, things were normal. He seemed pretty excited for camping which I was surprised for.

I was excited, I used to love camping when I was a kid. I loved the whole atmosphere of it. I told him some of my camping stories and he listened intently. I loved talking to him.

It was all going well until he grabbed his phone and looked at it, then his eyes slowly peered up to mine questioningly. I knew it was her. It was weird how awkward he got whenever she came into the picture.

My heart sank a little, but I gave him a sincere smile nonetheless.
"You can take it, it's okay" I said.

He continued to look at me for a second before he sent me a small smile and got up from the table. I watched him walk over to the window and bring the phone to his ear, and I sighed and sat there for a minute.

I checked my phone for the time before deciding to get up for another cup of coffee. I poured some more into my cup, and I was over by the cream and sugar when I felt a presence next to me. I didn't think anything of it, but I just scooted over a bit to leave more room.

I grabbed a creamer pod and began to try and open it, but there was no luck. I didn't have any nails at the moment so there was no way I was getting it open.

"Need some help?"

Suddenly I was fully aware of the presence next to me as I looked up into the eyes of an attractive male. He seemed to be around my age, with beautiful green eyes and a bright, inviting smile. He wasn't my type but he was definitely good looking.

After being stunned for a second I realized he had asked me a question, and I looked down at the creamer pod before holding it out towards him.

"Yeah sure, thanks" I said softly as he took it from me.

"These things can be tricky sometimes" he said in a smooth, calming tone.

I watched his nice hands move swiftly as he grabbed the lip of the cover and peeled it back with ease. He then held it back out to me and I took it from him.

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