Chapter 11: Setting Up Camp

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By 1 we got to the parking spot where we'd keep our van, it was a secure place where you pay to get it parked in a garage, kind of like a storage unit for cars. We grabbed our backpacks and everything we needed for the next two days. I'm glad I was in shape or all my gear would have been way too heavy. We had clothes, food, our camera gear, a tent, blankets, etc.

I put my hair up in a tall pony tail and tied my flannel around my waist before putting my backpack on and put my camera around my neck. The place we were going would be about an hour hike, and we decided to film the video intro before we started, and we would just film a little on the way up.

We all worked together helping each other up rocks and steep areas, and I feel like I kept up with the boys really well. Corey even complimented how impressed he was that I hadn't slowed down about halfway through.

Once we made it to the spot we needed to be, there was a little sign with a number indicating that was our spot, and there was a fire pit, two logs, a picnic table, and there was a big flat surface where the tent should probably be, and the cliff side we were on opened up to a beautiful view.

"This is amazing" I said as I panned my camera across the open area, and we all set our stuff down and looked around.

I filmed the boys for a bit and then Sam took the camera from me cause I told him I could help set up the tent since I've done it before. Colby, Corey and I had fun setting it up, they didn't really know what they were doing so it made it quite interesting. Finally when we got it up I crawled inside, and Corey and Colby dove in after me.

"Ow!" I yelled as they slammed into me, though I laughed afterwards. With the camera still in hand Sam threw us the air mattress and told us to have fun.

"Alright who has the best lungs?" Corey asked. No one said anything so I rolled my eyes and grabbed it.

"Alright guys, let the woman show you how it's done" I said jokingly. I brought the opening to my lips and started to blow, knowing this was gonna take a while.

"Blow blow blow blow" the boys yelled, and after about 20 breaths I pulled the nozzle away and sighed.

"Why didn't we bring an air pump?" I asked. We all looked at one another and laughed.

"That would have been smart" Corey said through a giggle.

"Well while you do that I'm gonna go start getting firewood. Anyone volunteer to come with?" Sam asked.

"Is that even a question, obviously Corey" Colby said, "he's the strongest."

"Oh yeah" Corey said as he flexed his muscles. He got up and Sam said he was going to leave the camera with us so they wouldn't have to carry it with all the wood. Once Corey left the tent and the two of them were out of ear-sight, it left Colby and I.

I put my lips back to the nozzle and blew a few times, and I looked up at Colby to see him staring at me with a smirk on his face. He had changed into a different black shirt and a black and white flannel. It was a look I hadn't seen him in before but I loved it.

I kept eye contact with him as I blew a few more breaths, a smile forming on my face and eventually I had to stop as we both laughed.

"Damn this is gonna take forever" I sighed. I could see I had gotten some air in there, but it was barely anything.

"Here" Colby said as he reached over for the nozzle. He took it from me and put his lips over the opening where my lips had just been, not even bothering to wipe it off first.

I just stared at him blankly as he started blowing into it. I watched how his lips pressed around the plastic piece, noticing how soft they looked. His eyes were on the mattress and I looked away before he could realize I was staring. I played with the rings on my fingers, and after a couple minutes it was about a quarter of the way blown up.

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