Chapter 24: Confessions

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I went to my nightstand and plugged my phone in while Colby put away the games. I sat down on the bed and watched him, my eyes glanced down his whole body as I admired him. I couldn't believe we had kissed 4 times. He was so attractive, he was my best friend, and we both liked each other but were too scared to admit it.

When he was done putting the games away he came over and sat next to me. I couldn't help the thoughts running through my head.

"Do you think your fans got mad when they saw that?" I asked, not turning my head to look at him. I heard him let out a breathy laugh.

"Do you know how many people have wanted to see us kiss? Most of them will probably be overjoyed."
I smiled to myself, letting my fingers play with my rings in my lap.

"But they also hated my last girlfriend and she liked to post stuff about us a lot" he added, "but they love you so..."

I felt my stomach turn and I looked over at him to see him looking down shyly.

"Yeah cause I'm awesome" I said quietly with a small smile.
Colby's head turned up towards mine and he smirked and nodded.

"Yeah you are."

He looked at me for a few seconds before he sighed and slapped his hand down lightly on my thigh.
"Wanna go watch some YouTube or something?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled, and we both got up and went out to my living room.
I grabbed a blanket and Colby grabbed us some water, and we met back at the couch and sat down.

We decided to watch some funny prank videos for a while, and we eventually stumbled on some specific youtubers that I subscribed to and we went through their videos. Everything seemed normal, we sat and watched and talked and for some reason I got into a really giggly mood.

"Dude are you high or something?" Colby said with a laugh as I wiped some tears after laughing so hard at a video.

I shook my head and tried not to wipe the makeup off my face that Colby had put on. Eventually my goofiness rubbed off on him and we were both finding everything funny. In between one of our laughing fits Colby reached up and placed his finger over my lips.

"You need to stop" he said as he shook his head, his other hand coming up to wipe his eyes.

"Why?" I said through my pursed lips, a small giggle slipping out too.

"Cause, my stomach hurts" he said as he slid his finger off, he was leaning forward and his head titled back to look at me from the corner of his eye. I slowly leaned forward and locked my playful eyes with his.

"Come on laughing is good for you" I said as I pushed into him a little.

Colby breathed out deeply.
"But I don't laugh like that very often, my body is mad at me."

"Then You just have to do it more often."

He smiled and me and looked down at the ground.
"I only do it around you, and it's been a while since you've acted like this."

I shrugged, "what can I say, it's been a good day."

He looked back up at me and he nodded. "Yeah it has, a really good day."

I smiled at him and sat back on the couch, bending one knee and letting the other one down to the floor.

Colby then scooted against me and sat back, turning his body towards me a little. I looked up to see him a lot closer than I expected him to be.

I didn't get nervous this time, probably just because the atmosphere was so light that I felt really comfortable. I didn't know why he had turned towards me but I waited patiently and just admired him as he looked at me.

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