Chapter 18: Things Are Okay

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It took me a while to wake up the next morning. I didn't have a headache or anything, I just felt really exhausted. I would wake up a few times, only to close my eyes and snuggle back under the covers. It was a number of times of waking up until I remembered where I was and who I fell asleep with, but I did not feel him next to me.

I finally opened my eyes groggily and looked next to me, the bed was empty. I sat up and took a deep breath and looked around, and I remembered Colby had given me water. I grabbed the glass and started chugging it. As I finished it off I saw Colby peer into the room.

"You're finally awake" he said with a smile.
I smiled tiredly and ran a hand through my hair.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"Almost 11."

Yikes, I really slept in. I laughed under my breath and slid off the bed, adjusting the T-shirt over my lower half. I shuffled towards the door where Colby was leaning and he stepped right in front of me, my tired eyes gazing down his shirtless body.

"Colby I have to pee" I pouted as I tried to push passed him, but his hands caught my hips and I stood in place.

"I bet" he said with a cheesy smile, and he just stood there holding me for a few seconds.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"Well as you could see I was out" I said with a laugh.

"Yeah" He said, and with that he slowly let me go and let me pass after I gave him a gently shove.

I went into the bathroom and started trying to remember the events of last night. Cuddling with Colby, him helping me change, us leaving Sam's, playing that truth or dare game... oh my god. My stomach turned at the memory; I kissed Colby. Wait, I didn't just kiss him, I made out with him. And it was so good.

All these feelings came back to me as I tried to remember what his lips felt like. I'm glad I hadn't been too drunk to not remember. I started feeling nervous, wondering if that would change anything between us. I mean obviously we seemed fine with each other, but I wondered how he actually felt about it.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and then walked into the living room where Colby was sitting. I plopped down next to him, giving him a smile. I must have seemed extra happy because he smiled and laughed.

"What?" He asked.

"What what?" I said, still confused at that point.

"I don't know, you just seem extra happy for someone who's hungover" he joked.

I didn't realize I probably seemed super happy, given what I was just thinking about, and I shrugged.

"I don't know, guess I'm just having a good morning so far" I said with a smile.

He smiled back at me for a second before licking his lips and looking down.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" He asked suddenly, slowly looking back up at me.

I suddenly got worried, thinking I might have done something stupid that I don't remember.

"I mean, can you be more specific" I said with a nervous laugh, "cause a lot of things happened."

He laughed nervously and played with the rings on his fingers.

"Like durning the game we played at Sam's..."

I knew what he was talking about and I tried to be as confident as possible so things wouldn't turn awkward.

"You mean when we kissed? Colby I wasn't even that drunk then" I said with a laugh.

A smirk played on his lips and he didn't look up at me. Before there was too long of a pause I decided to just break the ice.

"Kinda glad I wasn't drunk either, it was really good."

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