Chapter 27: Butterflies

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I laid in bed all morning, probably the happiest I had been in a long time. I made myself some green tea and just sat in bed and listened to happy music for hours. It was nice to relax and just have a lazy day, especially after all the emotions of last night.

I honestly couldn't stop replaying every little detail in my head. It was so unreal, I have never had an experience like that before. The intimacy, the connection, the way he looked at me... it was all perfect. I wondered if he was thinking about it too.

A couple hours had passed and my phone buzzed in my lap, and my heart skipped when I saw it was him.

Colby: Hey, sorry again that I had to leave right away this morning. Morning cuddles sounded so nice 😭😂

I smiled at the text for a good minute, knowing he probably felt like one of those guys that just up and leaves after a fun night. I texted him back.

Me: it's okay, even though cuddles would have been nice 😝

I hit send and almost immediately he was typing, so I sat and waited anxiously for his message. I didn't know why I was anxious/nervous, there was just a new mood in the air.

Colby: We could cuddle tomorrow morning? 🙈
Colby: Sam said we could come over today and discuss a new trip. You could spend the night with me 😁

I wanted to spend every day with him. Every night. As much time as he'd let me. That's what I wanted to reply.

Me: sounds great ☺️ when should I come over?

Colby: I'm on my way home now, my door will be open 😋

I smiled and jumped up out of bed. I got in the shower and then put my hair in a loose bun so it would curl, and I did a natural makeup look and put on some black ripped skinny jeans and a white t shirt, with a black sweatshirt over it cause it was getting chilly out. I threw on my white vans and a white hat and made my way over to Colby's.

I wondered what it was going to be like to see him. Would it be awkward? A good awkward? Would there be tension? Because I was already thinking about things that could possibly happen between us again.

I made my way up to Colby's apartment with a package of krispy creme donuts in my hand, I figured we could have something to snack on during our "meeting".

I knocked on the door, and a few seconds later Colby opened it, greeting me with a smile.

I could tell he had showered, his hair was done nice and he smelled amazing. He had on a black muscle tee and some tight black skinny jeans with holes in the knees and a chain.

I realized my eyes had gazed down his body, and thankfully he was too busy staring at my hands to notice. I could already feel myself getting hot. I'm pretty sure he did that on purpose.

"Donuts?" He said with a bigger smile as he stepped back to let me in.

"Yeah I figured we could use some sugar to spark our imaginations" I said with a smile, I heard him laugh as I passed him. I set the box down on the counter, and as I spun around I saw Colby taking an extra long time to shut his door, his eyes were focused on me.

My eyes couldn't stop looking him up and down, his outfit was way too much. We both realized we were checking each other out, but neither of us looked away shyly. We held each other's gaze and Colby's was intense, yet soft.

Finally he shut the door and walked up to me, my heart starting to beat faster with every step. Suddenly his arms wrapped around me softly, my head fell into his toned chest as I put my arms around him. This wasn't what I was expecting but it filled my heart with warmth either way. His hand came up higher on my back as he pulled me closer, squeezing me a little tighter.

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