Chapter 6: Home Sweet Home

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I made my way to Kat's room and unlocked the door with the key she had given me, and when I stepped in she looked up at me from where she was sitting on the couch, with a smirk on her face.

"So how'd it go?" She asked.

I sighed and sat down next to her, and I explained everything that happened.

"Aww well it sounds like he missed you after all" she said, and I nodded.

"Yeah, he just acted so different last night, I didn't like that. He always used to say that being yourself attracts the right people, and it just seems like he's changed with her. At least that's what I've seen."

"Yeah it's true" Kat said, "but maybe now that you're back he'll realize she isn't the right girl for him."

I huffed, "Yeah if I ever get to spend time with him. The only reason he came with today was because she was at work, and we just happened to see each other in the hallway."

"Yeah but he didn't have to ask to come with, he wanted to" she said, "and he didn't have to spend the whole afternoon with you did he?" She gave me a look and I shrugged.
"Yeah I guess not."


A week had gone by and as expected I hadn't heard from Colby. I found myself checking my phone a lot, and whenever I got a message I hoped it was him but it never was.

It was moving day and Kat, Sam, Corey and Jake offered to help me move in all my stuff. I had a storage unit full of stuff from my last place, and I also had ordered some things to be delivered. My apartment was pretty spacious, and after everything was moved in all I needed to do was put stuff away and decorate.

I decided to wait to do all that, I had my bed set up which is all I really needed. I was just grateful I had awesome friends to help me. I took them all to Taco Bell for dinner on me that night, and we had a good time. Having them all there hurt a little, knowing Colby wasn't there. I didn't even ask him to help me move since he hadn't tried to contact me at all. It was so conflicting because we had such a good time last week, but then I never heard from him again.

I got back from dinner and into my new apartment. I looked around at all the empty walls and the mess of boxes laying around. Soon it would feel like home.

The next day I got up early and started to unpack. It's crazy how fast time flies while you are doing tedious things. I ran to target to grab some things I wanted for decorations. My apartment wasn't going to have that classic modern look. I wanted that rustic feel with reds and yellows. I spent a good while there and a good amount of money and made my way back to my place. Around 11 o clock I heard my phone buzz, and when I checked who it was my stomach turned.

Colby: Are you busy?

I didn't really know what to think. He hasn't talked to me all week and then this?

Nonetheless I replied.

Me: Just unpacking. What's up?

I watched it go to 'read' right away and he started typing.

Colby: Do you want some help?

I bit my lip to hold back a smile.

Me: Sure :) here's my new address.

I sent to him and I ran to take a shower since I hadn't yet. I took a quick one and put my hair up in a messy bun, and I checked my phone.

Colby: See you in 30 :)

That was about 15 minutes ago, so I still had some time. I went and looked through my clothes to find what to wear, I had to make it seem like I wasn't just trying to look good. I was going to be unpacking and stuff so I needed something light.

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