Chapter 17: The Plunge

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Colby ended up staying the night that night, I let him sleep with me in my bed since we had already shared a bed plenty of times by this point. We ended up being drunk and tired and just passed out right away.

The days following seemed to go back to normal, Colby hung out with his friends, I came over to his place a few times to keep watching the show we had started, everything was great.

Part of me thought he was still dropping little hints of liking me, but they were so subtle that it was confusing. We would flirt every once in a while and It would always make me anxious, and every time I'd see him I'd get one of his amazing hugs which weren't a normal thing before. I'd also get one before I would leave, and if we were alone it would usually be a longer one.

I didn't think too much into it though, I was just happy to be apart of his life again. A part of me also thought he was probably just trying to get his life back on track again, back to how it use to be and he didn't want to jump right into anything again.
I wasn't going to pressure him into anything either, I always let him make the subtle moves first.

The next week things started to pick up a little, and by things I mean the subtle hints. He started flirting with me a lot more, telling me that I looked good all the time, giving me random hugs throughout our time of hanging out.

Like let's say we were joking around and laughing about something he would pull me into a side hug or if we were standing he'd just engulf me. I could never get use to his hugs, I loved them. He did it a lot more when we were alone together, but that was okay with me.
A lot of my closer friends asked if anything was happening between him and I and I always told them we were just friends. It was pretty much true, and I also didn't want to get theirs or my own hopes up.

It was Sams Friday pizza night and I was getting ready at my apartment. I felt really good about tonight, maybe because it was the first pizza night I've gone to since I've been back. Sam always threw great pizza parties, I always had a great time.

Although it's just our closest friends he invites and they have seen me in lounge clothes, I decided to dress up a little tonight. Not go all out, but a little more than normal. I put on a snug black v neck bra/tank top and put on an overall romper over it, then I put on a dark green oversized flannel.

I put on a bit of eye makeup and contoured my face, and I put some light waves in my hair.
I looked in the mirror and checked myself out, I looked comfortable yet casual. I threw on some docs and headed to Sams.

He normally leaves the door unlocked when he's having people over so I just walked right in, seeing the place already full of people.

"Tessa!" I heard someone yell, and I looked towards the couch to see Kat waving at me. I smiled and started walking over and I made eye contact with Colby who was sitting on the corner of the couch.

I smiled at him and he put his phone down and sat up. He was wearing a black shirt and tight black cargo pants with straps falling over the couch, a silver necklace around his neck. He looked so good.

I made it to the couch where Kat jumped up to give me a hug, and I waved at Sam, Kevin, Mike who were sitting down in front of me. I then turned around to see an open spot next to Colby and I plopped down next to him. I turned towards him to say hi and was immediately wrapped in his arms.

"Hey" I said with a giggle as I wrapped my arms around him.
"Hey, you look so cute" he said as he leaned away from me and looked down and up my body.

I fixed my hair and smiled, "Thanks."

He just stared at me admiringly for a second until I heard my name being called again, and I spun my head around to see Aryia running up and jumping over Colby and I.

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