Chapter 12

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The temperature had dropped to probably 45 degrees sometime in the night, and I woke up to the wind picking up. I realized how cold I was even with my two layers and a blanket. It probably wouldn't have been so cold in the tent if it wasn't for the wind.

I could feel my body shaking and I pulled the covers up more towards my face. I felt Colby shift next to me, and suddenly I felt his hand on my shoulder nudging me softly.

"Tess, you awake?" He asked in a gravely voice.

"Yeah" I whispered.

"You're freezing."

He must have felt me shaking. When I didn't say anything for a second I felt him moving.

"Come here" He said.

It was pitch black so I couldn't see what was going on, but I had a feeling I knew what he was implying. As I started turning to scoot towards him, his arm slid around my stomach and pulled me against him.

He adjusted so his body was formed around mine, and he grabbed the blanket and tucked it around me before sliding his arm back under it and around my waist. I could feel myself heating up not just by his physical touch, but also by the thoughts running through my head.

If I hadn't been freezing to death I would have objected, only because I knew I probably shouldn't be spooning with someone who was in a relationship.

He shouldn't be either, but he was probably just doing it so I could get warm, which I really appreciated. Maybe he was cold too and wanted my body heat just as much as I needed his. 

I laid my head down on the pillow and sighed, feeling myself getting more comfortable. I felt Colby lay his head down close behind mine, and that's all I remember before I fell back asleep.

We all were woken up by someone's alarm going off, though It was snoozed a couple times by Sam who would groan and lay back down. By the second time I had started to blink open my eyes, trying to get my bearings as I felt an arm be readjusted around me.

The events of what happened in the middle of the night came back to me and I smiled to myself. Knowing that he probably wouldn't want Corey or Sam seeing, I slowly started turning onto my back and out of his grip. His arm stayed around me though, and I watched him stir a little as his eyes slowly blinked open and looked into mine.

He squinted a little to gain focus and I felt his arm move on me, which he looked down at and I could see the memory coming back to him.
What shocked me was that he didn't move it away, he just smiled at me and closed his eyes again.

I stared at him and he reopened his eyes again, and we just looked at each other for a bit as we woke up a little more.

For some reason us cuddling was weirdly comfortable, it just felt normal, to me at least. It must not have been too weird for him either since he didn't move.

I closed my eyes again and I knew he was still looking at me, but that wasn't weird either. It felt nice to be snuggled up to someone, I hadn't been in a relationship for a while so I missed doing stuff like that. Every time I remembered it was my "best friend" holding me, however, it stirred something in my heart.

A few minutes later Sam's alarm went off again, and Colby's arm slowly slid off of me as he sat up.

"Alright guys time to get up" he said through a stretch. I sat up too and nudged Corey, getting a groan from him in return.

"Come on guys you got more sleep than we did" I said as I started to scoot towards the opening of the tent.

"Yeah but you guys are used to not getting much sleep" Sam mumbled as he slowly sat up.

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