Chapter 3: Letting Go

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I decided to just have some water. I wasn't going to get drunk and get upset and embarrass myself. I poured some water over the ice and walked over to Mike who was standing against the wall by the ping pong table.

I've always thought Mike was cute and really nice. I've flirted with him a couple times and he's hinted at some things, but I was always too shy to follow through. I knew he was a player and I was kind of innocent to the whole "hooking up" thing. This was kind of a secret of mine, no one really knew I even had those thoughts and I don't think Mike has ever said anything to anyone.

I leaned up against the wall next to him and he turned to me, looking me up and down as he smiled.

"Hey how are you?" He said as he tilted his head, "You okay?"

The last part was a whisper. He was always so good at reading people.
I shrugged and nodded. "Yeah I'm alright."

He gave me a look which made me smile. "Okay..." he trailed off, knowing I was lying but was respecting that I didn't want to talk about it.

"How have you been?" I asked, changing the subject.
"I've been good, got a new EP out, got a bunch of new tattoos.."
He started showing me all his tattoos and explaining them, and I started to forget about being sad.

We continued to talk over the music and noise of people talking.
"Whatcha got there?" He asked.
I laughed, "just some water."

He acted shocked which made me laugh. "Dude this is your party and you're having water already? Come with me I'll make you something."

I followed him to the kitchen and he told me what he was using and how to make whatever he was making me. He mixed a bunch of things up in a cup and then mixed it with root beer, then he handed me the glass.
I took a sip and my eyes went wide.
"Just like a root beer float right?" He said with a nod.
I nodded, "Yeah this is amazing, you can make me drinks any day."
He laughed, "gladly."

I stood in there and talked with him while he made himself another drink and let me try whatever he made, it tasted like a dream-cycle. Kevin came in and tried our drinks and asked mike to make him the root beer one. I sat in there and talked with them both for a good twenty minutes while we sipped our drinks, and eventually Kevin was called over to another group. As it got quiet Mike pointed to me.

"I wanted to say this earlier but I think you look really good too" he said.
I blushed and said thanks.

Mike was a player, but he's really sweet and won't hit on you like other 'players' would. He's just a very care free guy and I liked that about him. He started flirting a little, and we talked about certain physical things we liked about people. I mentioned tattoos, a good smile, dark hair. He mentioned tattoos, long hair, he's a butt guy.

My tipsy self was low key flirting a little too and he noticed and was flirting back.
"So I take it you're attracted to me?" He asked with a smile.
I laughed. "I mean you check off all my boxes."
He laughed then too and shrugged.

"Well I'm just saying if you ever feel like you need to unwind, just let me know."

My eyes went wide and he laughed. "Hey I know that sounds bad, but what can I say I love sex, and anything to do with it."

"I noticed" I said, finishing off my drink.
He shrugged. "Hey, I know we are friends and I know you like Colby. I'm not trying to like, get in between you guys. But I can tell you've gotten a little more open since you were here last year and I would gladly relieve you of any stress." He smirked at me.

I just looked at him wide eyed. "How'd you know that?" I didn't even deny it cause I knew if anyone could figure it out it was him.

"I can see it, I saw it between you guys all the time. Colby kind of got really sad when you left and just went on a girl binge, and for some reason he kept that one" he gestured towards the couch. When I looked over Colby was laughing with Cassie.

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