Chapter 5: The Moment

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We jumped back in his car and made our way back to his apartment building, or that's where I thought we were gonna go. He made a turn that was the opposite direction and I looked at him.
He had a smirk on his face as he looked over at me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

We drove for a while, down a long road then up a windy hill.
"Are you kidnapping me?" I asked jokingly.
He laughed. "Would you mind if I was?"
I thought for a second. "No" I replied, "as long as I can have the aux on the way."

Colby looked at me and laughed harder as he reached down towards the chord that was plugged in. He handed it to me and I plugged in my phone. We spent the next 15 minutes singing to a bunch of songs, I made sure to pick ones we both knew.

Now this was like old times. We just started being ourselves and being carefree.

Finally he turned down the music and pulled into this little dirt patch in the grass that sat in front of some bushes and palm trees. He looked at me.

"Come on" he said as he jumped out of the car. I got out and walked around the car to where he was waiting for me and I started following next to him through the trees. Luckily it wasn't too hot out yet cause I was in a sweater. We walked up a hill and and down another pathway and through a few trees it where opened up to a ledge with a beautiful view of the city.

"Whoa.." I said as I walked forward and looked around. The morning birds were still chirping and there was a nice cool breeze up there. It was beautiful.

"I always wanted to bring you here but I never did" Colby said behind me.
My stomach turned as I looked back at him and smiled. He had his hands on his pockets and he was walking up next to me, and I watched him the whole way.

"It's beautiful" I said, "I'd come up here super early in the morning, or at night."

"I'll take you here again at night, it's so cool" Colby said. Did he just sort of make a plan..?

I went and sat down right at the edge of the cliff, there was a couple of small ledges underneath so I wouldn't fall or anything. He came and sat down next to me.

"I thought you didn't like heights?" He asked.
I shrugged, "I did a lot of exploring back home, kinda faced my fear."

I looked up at him to see how close we actually were to each other. We stared at each other for a second until I looked back out to the view.

"We should go exploring together sometime" he said, "Wouldn't that be fun?"

I nodded. "I thought you'd never ask" I said with a laugh, "maybe we could even go some place haunted" I smirked up and him and he let a big smile spread across his face.

"What's gotten into you? Being all adventurous" he nudged me and I giggled and shrugged.

"I don't know, I guess I realized there's more to life than being scared of everything. I want to try new things, see the world" I looked out to the city again.

"I envy you Colby."

I felt him look over at me.

"You've gone to so many places and done so many things, to think I've spent my life telling myself it could never happen to me. Now that I've been here and then gone back home, it's made me realize what I've been missing. I wanna start fresh this time."

I looked back up and him and he sent me a smile.

"I wish you could have gone some places with us" he said, "we would have had a lot of fun."

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