Chapter 23: The Livestream

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We got to my apartment, and after getting in and settled I looked at my phone.
"Wow it's only 9, I feel like it should be later, we've done so much today" I said as I leaned over my counter.

"Yeah, I'm glad the time has gone slow though" Colby said from across from me, a smile on his face.

I smiled and nodded, "me too, but what should we do now?"
I honestly didn't feel like watching anything, we had done a lot of that lately. There wasn't much else to do this time of night though so it was probably our only option.

I think deep down I really just wanted something to happen between us, then I wouldn't care what we did. We had such a great day, we held hands, even if there was a reason behind it, and I just really wanted to kiss him again.

I made the move last night though, I wasn't going to do it again. I couldn't believe I kissed him, I couldn't believe he kissed me back. I also couldn't believe what happened in the bedroom... I know it was subtle teasing but to me that was such a big turn on.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Colby waving a hand in front of my face.

"What?" I asked, my cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

"I asked if you had any games. What were you thinking about?" He asked with a curious smile.

I decided to be a little playful.

"Uhh... I was thinking of what games I had" I said with a small smirk as I passed by him.

I watched him watch me go into the bedroom, and once I was In there I took a deep breath. Obviously that's not what I was thinking about. I looked in my closet and grabbed a dice game and a deck of cards, and when I turned around I jumped when I saw Colby leaned up against the wall next to me. He started to laugh and I pushed him a little.

"That's not funny, why didn't you say anything?" I whined.

"Cause I knew you'd get scared" he said as he leaned in and nudged me. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk back to the living room. He followed behind me and I sat down on the couch and opened the dice game.

"Hey I love this game" Colby said as he sat down next to me.

We played 4 games, it probably took us like an hour cause we messed around the whole time. We just talked and joked about random stuff, there seemed to be a little flirting in there too. It's crazy how we basically still act the same way around each other like we use to, but we flirt and cuddle... but it's not weird I think because we have been so close for so long.

I think that's why nothing big has happened yet because we just enjoy being friends so much and we are around each other all the time so the extra stuff doesn't matter. But kissing would be nice... I tried not to think of anything further, since we really haven't passed the kissing stage. To be honest it was hard to imagine it because I've been so close with him and never thought about it, and now that's all that's been trying to enter my brain.

When we got bored of that game Colby wanted to play a game of War.
We decided to play on the couch so we could lean back a little, so we faced each other and set our cards out in the little space between us. When I say little, there was probably about a foot or two of space in between our legs.

I forgot how long this game took sometimes, and about 15 minutes later I was already sighing.

"Man this is gonna take forever" I said with a small laugh.

I looked up at Colby and he was smiling at me somewhat admiringly.
"Do you wanna do something else?" He asked.

"Like what?"

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