Chapter 22: The Perfect Day

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I woke up before Colby the next morning, and I crawled out of bed without waking him up and went to the bathroom. Thoughts of the night before ran through my head and I smiled, I felt like today would be a good day too. Being with Colby made me so happy, he made me happy.
I decided to order some Denny's through post-mates and surprise him with his favorite breakfast. I didn't know why I felt extra happy today but I liked it. I ordered our food and decided to change back into my shorts and sweater which were still in Colby's room.

When I walked in Colby was still asleep, or so I thought...

I slipped on the shorts under the oversized shirt and then took the shirt off quick and threw my sweater on. When I turned to throw the shirt into Colby's laundry basket I was met by his sleepy eyes and a smile on his face.

I realized he was probably watching me change.

"Sorry I thought you were sleeping" I said quietly as I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"It was a good show" Colby said in a gravely tone, a smirk on his face. I realized he mocked what I had said to him when I had seen him change that one night.

I rolled my eyes and slapped him lightly on the arm as he sat up.

"You weren't suppose to wake up yet, I had a surprise for you" I said in a pouty tone.

His head tilted to the side and he squinted his eyes.
"What kind of surprise?"

I sighed.
"Postmates is on its way with something, that's all I'm gonna tell you."

Colby's eyebrows raised and he smiled.
"Dude if it's breakfast I'll love you forever."

I smiled and dropped my hand onto his leg.
"Well you might just have to love me forever then."

Colby's smile got bigger and his eyes brightened.
"Seriously? Oh my god you're the best" he said, and I nodded.

"I know."

He shook his head and laughed as he swung his legs around to get up next to me.

"No but seriously, whats the occasion?" He asked as he stretched.

"No occasion" I said with a shrug, "I just felt like getting breakfast for us."

He nodded and held out his hands for me to grab, and I smiled and let him help me up.

"Well thank you, you really are the best" he said, his hands still holding mine as he swung them back and forth in between us. I thought that was so cute.

We smiled at each other and I nodded, "you're welcome."

I watched him lick his lips and it looked like he was contemplating something in his head as he looked at me. I couldn't tell if we were having a moment, or he was holding back something he wanted to say.

"What?" I decided to ask, really wanting to know what was on his mind.
He shrugged and squeezed my hands tighter.
"I don't know, I just woke up feeling really happy, I don't know why."

My eyes went wide.
"Dude me too" I said as I bounced up on my toes,
"I was thinking that today was gonna be a good day, and what better way to start it than with Denny's."

I quickly covered my mouth, realizing I just spoiled it. Colby's eyes went wide.

"You got Denny's? Did you get me my favorite thing?" He asked excitedly like a little kid.

"Yes..." I said, half disappointed that I ruined it.

Suddenly Colby was lifting me up and spinning me around, causing me to shriek and giggle.

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