Chapter 20: Round Two

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That night we went to bed causally, a little cuddling happened but nothing more that what had been going on.
We said our goodbyes the next day which followed after a nice long hug, and I went on my way back home.

The next week I was crazy busy with some photoshoots and editing, so I didn't really have time to hang out with anyone. Colby and I messaged a lot though and we sent each other snaps. This wasn't out of the ordinary though, even a year ago we use to talk a lot throughout the day.

I ended up sending some pictures to Calvin Klein just for the heck of it, not expecting a reply, but to my surprise I got an email back. It read:

"Hello Tessa,

      This is Rachel from the HR team at Calvin Klein returning your email about doing some part time modeling. We are happy to inform you we were very impressed with your work, not only your creativity in the poses but also the quality of photos you captured.
      You mentioned you were a photographer and during the interview we are offering we would also like to discuss some part time photography work for you as well. Attached is a list of days and times that would work for you to stop in and chat with me. Thank you for applying with us!

I ended up doing the interview the next day and after talking for a while they hired me on the spot.
I was so excited I almost sent a screenshot to Colby, but I decided to wait and surprise everyone at pizza night. I hadn't seen my friends in a week and I missed them. I really was looking forward to Friday.

When the day finally came I decided to curl my hair, do a light makeup look and wear and xplr sweater with some short shorts and high tops. I thought I looked cute and I made my way to sams.

When I walked in I was immediately engulfed by Aryia who happened to be next to the door, followed by a wet kiss on the cheek. I giggled and wiped my face.

"Nice to see you too" I said as I was then pulled into someone else's arms, not knowing who it was until I smelled the cologne.
I immediately wrapped my arms around him and melted into his chest. This hug was a longer one and I wasn't complaining.

I heard two or three "Awwwws" coming from the side of us and we slowly pulled away and saw Sam Kat and Aryia all standing there smiling at us. I felt my cheeks turn red as I looked up at Colby for the first time, seeing a cheeky grin on his face. I felt my stomach turn at how cute he looked and his eyes dropped to my chest.

"Hey nice sweater" he said, his hands still holding my waist.

"Yess reppin the new merch for your boys" Sam yelled from next to me and I looked at him and laughed.

Colby dropped his hands and I spun around to face everyone.

"Guys I have some exciting news" I said as I jumped on my toes.

"What? What is it? What kind of news?" Are the questions I got from everyone.

"Well you're currently looking at the new part time photographer and model for Calvin Klein....."

Even just stared at me for a second in shock, besides Colby who had already started to smile.

"No way" Kat said.

"Dude thats awesome!" Sam added.

"Wait did you say photographer?" Colby asked.

I nodded, "yep, I gave them my portfolio and told them I'm good with studio work and they said I could do shoots for them when they need me to."

Colby just kept smiling at me and I nudged him.

"And I put you down as a referral, so be expecting a nice check in the mail soon."

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