Chapter 15: The Investigation

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We spent the next half hour or so changing and getting all our gear ready. I changed into black jogger leggings, a black sweater and ironically a black leather jacket and a black hat which I pulled my hair into in a pony tail. I contoured my face a little and I was ready. I looked super edgy and I was living for it. When I walked out of the bathroom my eyes landed on Colby who was throwing on a leather jacket over a black hoodie, a black hat in his head.

"Whoa, did you guys plan that?" Corey said as he looked between the two of us. 
Colby looked over at me, looking me up and down as he smiled.

"No but that's awesome" He said with a big smile.

I smiled back at him as I made it obvious I was checking him out, and he smirked and smiled as he turned to grab his phone off the bed.

I walked past him to grab my phone that was plugged in, the smell of his cologne hitting me in the breeze. He looked so good, and I found myself looking at him any chance I got as we left the room to go explore. He knew it too, but I didn't care, he knew I liked when he dressed like that and I knew he did it on purpose.

A part of me felt like he was checking me out too. I knew he had liked me, and I think he still did, but the only thing in the way was his girlfriend. I didn't know what was going to happen once the trip was over. We were acting like two people who liked each other but it was so confusing.

I helped film as we walked through the hotel, and the next couple hours flew by as we investigated. Every once in a while when we weren't filming I'd ask one of them to take a photo of me somewhere. At one point we got to this gold spiral staircase that was gorgeous and I handed Sam the camera.

After taking a few he told Colby to go stand next to me.
"You guys are matching you have to get some pictures together" he said. Colby smiled and walked up the stairs next to me on the step higher than me.

"How should I stand?" He asked.

"Well you could make this totally sexy and it would make a great photo" Corey said, "like stand on the same step as her but have one foot on the next step facing like you were going up the steps."

Colby turned next to me, looking confused as to why this would look good.

"Now Tess lean against the railing, and Colby turn towards her a little and like wrap your arm around her waist and hold onto her hip."

He looked at me with hesitant eyes, but after seeing the look I was giving him he stepped towards me a little more and slid his hand around my waist, finding my hip and holding it firmly. I heard Sam clicking the shutter.

My eyes hadn't left his and we were staring at each other intensely, not even for the camera. Not gonna lie, I know how to flirt and give the 'look', and I think I caught him a little off guard, but I had him captivated for those few seconds afterbhe put his hand on me.

"Now Colby turn back towards the camera and Tessa turn towards it too."

We both looked at the camera and Sam took a few pictures.
"Nice" Sam said as he looked back at them, "these are great."

"Wait let's do this" I said as I grabbed his hand from my hip and pulled him down to sit next to me on one of the steps. I put my knees up and set my head on one of my closed fists, tilting my head away from him. Sam took a picture and I looked over to see Colby had copied me like I wanted him to, and he looked over at me and we both smiled at each other as Sam took another photo.

"You guys look like you're about to go rob a bank" he said as he looked at the pictures.
I laughed and Colby got up and held out his hands for me to grab. He helped me up and we all went up the stairs to see where they led to.

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