Chapter 8: Jealousy

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I got home and spent a good hour editing some pictures I had recently taken for a client, and I checked my phone after shutting my laptop for the night. My eyebrows furrowed when I saw I had 3 missed calls from Colby and 4 text messages. The heck?
I opened the texts.

Colby: Did you run into Cassie when you left today?

Colby: I shouldn't ask cause I know you did. What did you say to her?

Colby: I don't know if you're busy but I hope you respond soon. we need to talk

Colby: Are you getting these?

I was so confused, I didn't know what was going on. I went to the missed calls and hit call back.

It rang a couple times and I heard the line pick up but no one said anything.
"Hello?" I said, and I heard a sigh.
"Hey" Colby said on the other end.

"Hey sorry I was editing photos and my phone was plugged in, what's going on?" I was a little nervous.

There was a pause.

"So what did you say to Cassie when you saw her earlier?"

I frowned, wondering why it even mattered.

"Uh well we said hi to each other and she asked what I was doing there and I told her I was at Sam's, and then I left. Why?"

There was another pause.
"Well she told me something a lot different."

I got really nervous. I've heard of this type of thing going down when someone gets into a relationship, and it ruins friendships.

"What did she tell you?" I said hostilely.

"She basically told me that you told her you were trying to steal me away from her, and that we weren't going to last much longer... did you leave that part out?"
He sounded frustrated and I got angry.

"Ha, are you serious? I never said that" I said, laughing a little. "Do you really believe I'm trying to steal you away from her?"

"...Well I don't know she seemed really upset when she told me, I didn't want to believe it but-" I cut him off.

"Colby I promise you I never said that, I just told you exactly what happened. I think you know me well enough to know that I wouldn't try to get in between a relationship of yours."

There was another pause.
"But why would she say that then?"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, how much did you tell her about me? She probably knows how close we used to be and she was jealous I don't know."

"Used to be?" He asked.

I had to pause then, because I was taken back that that's what he got out of what I said.

"I mean yeah, we didn't talk very much for the last year and now that I'm back we haven't really talked or hung out that much either, another reason why you should believe me," I breathed, "but I get it, you have a girlfriend now and I know there are boundaries and that's okay, obviously I've let you text me if you wanna talk, I haven't texted you once, or made any kind of move on you for that matter."

I didn't really know where this conversation was leading to but I needed to say that.

It was quiet on the other end and I strained what I said next.
"Look, we just planned this trip and I was really looking forward to it so I hope whatever just happened doesn't mess that up, but once that's over if she doesn't want me hanging out with you we can always just hang out with everyone together, that way it won't be weird for her."

I was beginning to think he had hung up or the line got disconnected.

"Are you there?" I asked.


I waited for him to say something else but he didn't. I couldn't tell what was going on.

"Are we good? Like, do you believe me? Cause if you don't then tell me, cause I guess we'll just say goodbye to our friendship now if you think I'm trying to take you away from her."

I didn't realize I had gotten angry again but I couldn't help it. I was disgusted that he was dating someone that was willing to lie and break up a friendship between people just to make sure there were no threats.

"No I believe you" he muttered.

I let out the breath I was holding.
"So are we good?" I asked.


I knew there was still something wrong but I didn't know exactly what, so I couldn't really ask him anything.

"Alright well, I guess I'll talk to you when I see you next week then" I said, making a hint that he probably wouldn't talk to me until then, and that I wasn't planning on messaging him.


My hand balled into a fist and I hung up the phone without saying goodbye, feeling frustrated at the situation and his short answers.

I set my phone down and just sat there for a long time thinking about what just happened. In my mind I accepted that once our trip was over we were pretty much just going to be acquaintances. The thought of that upset me, but it wasn't like I hadn't already expected it.

I bet things were going to be awkward during the trip. I just told myself to just act like nothing happened and have a great time.

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