Chapter 7: Planning

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Another week passed before I heard from Colby, and to be honest I stopped checking my phone this time. I guess I could have been the one to message him first, but this was the second week I hadn't heard from him in a week, and that only meant he didn't really think to message me. Or he wanted to but was afraid his girlfriend would see... all these thoughts ran through my head at least 5 times a day, but I still stopped checking my messages...

When he did finally talk to me, this is what he said:

Colby: Hey, would you wanna come to Sam's tomorrow to talk about a new series idea?

The only reason I smiled was because the thought of working on a series project with the boys sounded so fun.

Me: Sounds good, what time?
Colby: Is 2 okay?
Me: yep, see you then
Colby: :)

I was excited to know what they had planned.

The next day I showed up dressed in a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a white tank top and a grey jean jacket. I had vans on to match, I thought I looked pretty cute. I had my hair up in a messy bun and had done a nice light Smokey eye to go with the look.

As I walked down the hall towards Sam's room, Colby was walking out of his and we locked eyes. He was wearing a black Tshirt and some black ripped jeans with converse.

I watched his eyes flick down my body as I walked up.

"Fancy seeing you here" I said with a smile as I got closer. Colby smiled as he took a few steps towards me, opening his arms.

"Hey" He said as I walked into his arms. He smelled fresh of cologne and shampoo. My heart warmed as I wrapped my arms around him, not thinking about how more confused I was in the moment.

I giggled a little as he squeezed me tighter before pulling away. His hands lingered around my sides as he looked down at me, a shy smile on his face.

"You look good today" he said, then he suddenly dropped his hands. "Not that you don't look good all the time but.." he trailed off and I giggled at him.

"Thanks Colby, we kinda match today with the jeans" I pointed down at them and he laughed.
"Yeah we do" he agreed.

I smiled and turned to knock on Sam's door. I could feel eyes burning into me and I turned my head back to see Colby slowly looking up at me, then away at the wall with a small smile on his face. I felt my cheeks get hot and I turned back to the door. Did he just check me out?

A few seconds later Sam opened up the door and greeted me with a hug before inviting us in. He offered us both a drink and we all went and sat in his little office room. I walked in first and sat at one end of the white love seat he had in there, and Colby came and sat down right next to me. I smiled as I looked at him and then over at Sam who was sitting on the office chair across from us.

"Alright lets get down to bidness" Sam said in a funny tone as he grabbed his notebook.

"So Colby and I have been talking about going on a little road trip soon somewhere close and go to a few haunted and/or abandoned places, and we were gonna ask Corey and Jake if they wanted to go too, and you of course" he said, looking at me.

I smiled in excitement and I could feel colby smiling at me.

"We have looked up a few places but we kinda need to make a plan of when we're doing this and see what works for all of us, and then pick the places we wanna go to."

We talked for about an hour and basically planned a whole trip. It was going to be 5 days, we were going to be staying in a hotel the first day, then we'd take a road trip through the mountains and camp out for two days, then stay in a hotel again, then drive back. We planned to film 3 videos, possibly 4, and possibly more if we happen to see something along the way.

He had it all written down and we basically had to start getting packed because we were going to go next week. He called Jake and Corey and asked them if they'd be down to go. Jake said he had a bunch of stuff planned for next week, but Corey was free. This trip was going to be so fun, I couldn't wait to be a part of it.

Once the plan was set, Sam set down his notebook and sighed.
"Well I hate to kick you guys out but I have a dinner party with Kats parents at 5 so I gotta get ready" he said.
We both nodded and got up.

Sam said see you later to Colby and I and we left his room, and after I shut the door I looked at Colby.

"I'm so excited for this trip" I said as I shook my hands.
Colby laughed and nodded.
"Me too" he said.

I sighed. "Well I guess I'll see you next week then."

"I guess you will" he said with a smile.

I waved goodbye to him and made my way down the hallway.

When I got to the elevator and pressed the down button, it opened and in it was Colby's girlfriend. We both looked a little shocked to see each other but we both forced smiles.
"Heyyy... what's your name again?" She asked, her tone sounding overly nice.
"Tessa. Cassie right?" I asked. She nodded.
"Yeah... so what are you doing in Colby's building?" She asked as she tilted her head. I could tell she was wondering if I was hanging out with Colby. Technically I kind of was...

"I was just over at Sam's place" I said, not feeling the need to tell her what I was doing.

"Oh, nice" she said, looking relieved, "so you guys are good friends I'm guessing?"

I really didn't want to have a conversation with this girl.

"Pretty good friends, not as close as I am with Colby though."

Cassie's smile vanished.

I sent her a big smile. "Well I have to get going, it's nice to see you!" I walked into the elevator, leaving her stand there as I pressed level 1 and waved as the door closed. Ugh she was so cringy.

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