Chapter 2: The Surprise

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We made our way to Kat's place where I would be staying for a week before my apartment opened up, and I changed and did my makeup because apparently they were gonna take me out for a welcome back dinner. I put on an oversized blue cropped jumper, some black pants that sinched at the waist with a white stripe, and a black and white baseball cap.

I put foundation on and contoured my face, and put some winged liner and fake eyelashes on. I looked in the mirror, I looked comfy yet stylish. I came back out to meet everyone who were just talking in the living room. They all complimented my outfit and we all got back in the car.

"Do you guys mind if we go pick Sam up? I told him I'd let him know what our plan was."

We all shook our heads. I was excited to see Sam too. I wondered what Colby was so busy with... I told him I was coming home today, why wouldn't he cancel his plans? Was he really not excited to see me?

We got to Sam's place and Kat tried to call him to tell him they were there but he wasn't answering. Finally after the third time he picked up.
"Hey babe we're here... what? Ugh alright we'll be up."

She turned to us.

"Sam just woke up so he's gonna have to get ready, he said we can all come upstairs and chill until he's ready to go."

I shrugged and nodded. I was down for whatever. I was just so happy to be back I didn't care how late anyone was or what we did.

We all made our way up to Sam's apartment, the hallways all too familiar. Colby lived right across from Sam, and I had found myself over at his place a lot. We got to Sam's door and Kat knocked, and we heard Sam yell "come in!"

Kat swung open the door and I jumped back as a loud "welcome back!" Was yelled from the many people standing in Sam's living room. I looked around to see all my friends plus some other acquaintances, then up at all the balloons and streamers hanging everywhere and a big sign hung up from under the loft.

My mouth hung open in shock and Kat and Devyn squished me into a hug.

"Surprise!" Devyn yelled.

It was all a set up. Everyone cheered as I walked in and started to greet people, Sam was the first to pull me into a hug.

"Welcome back dude!" He yelled as I laid my head on his chest. "Thanks, I can't believe you guys did all this!" I yelled over the music that was playing.

"Well believe it cause we're the best!" Jake yelled as he pulled me from Sam's grip. I laughed and accepted his hug. "Yes you guys are" I said as I leaned away and smiled at Tara before giving her a hug.
"It's nice to have you back" she said.

I continued down the line as I greeted Mike, Kevin, Arya, Reggie and his girlfriend.

The last person I got to was Colby, and my heart skipped. I hadn't even noticed he was there.

I just looked at him for a second, admiring how handsome he was standing there in front of me. He looked so different, so much cuter, maybe it was because I hadn't seen him in so long. I could tell he was admiring me too as his smile grew bigger on his face, and finally I opened my arms and walked into him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as his fell around my upper back, and I closed my eyes and took in the familiar smell of his cologne. The hug was shorter than I wanted it to be as he pulled away, giving me one more look up and down.

"You look great" he said almost shyly.
I smiled big. "Thanks, so do you."
It was right then that I looked to his right to see an unfamiliar girl standing next to him. He followed my gaze and he cleared his throat.
"Tess, this is Cassie, my girlfriend.."

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