Chapter 16: Things Are Changing

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I was stirred awake by Colby readjusting us, I turned over and he pulled me back against him and wrapped his arm around me. I was still half asleep and instinctively snuggled back into him, but then my eyes shot open wide.

My body froze in mid snuggle as I felt an intimate part of Colby pressing firmly up against my bottom. I didn't know what to do. I figured it was just the normal thing that happens to guys in the morning, but I was not prepared to wake up and deal with it.

Colby hadn't moved since he turned so I assumed he was still asleep, so I decided to lay there in my thoughts for the time being. My curious mind started to take over and I finished snuggling into him, feeling just how much of him was pressed against me. I don't know if I just thought what I wanted to think or if It was actually as big as it felt...

I bit my lip and tried to contain my thoughts, but my body had other ideas. Most people don't know this but girls are usually the most excited in the morning too, and with an attractive person that you have feelings for, with an erection, was pressed against you, you can't really handle the feelings that wash over your body.

For just a second I thought about how weird it was that I was thinking about my best friend like that, but even not thinking about the liking him part, he was just extremely attractive, so it was pretty overwhelming.

As if I could handle it before, I felt him shift a little behind me, his hand moving around my body. I held my breath as his hand slipped under my shirt, running it up my side as he stretched against me.

I couldn't take it and slowly started turning towards him. As I made it around to face him he slowly blinked open his eyes.

When they focused on mine he smiled, his hand squeezing my side up on my rib cage. His warm hand on my bare skin sent chills up my spine as I smiled at him, my eyes probably dark. I could see him studying me, his eyes looking down to my flushed cheeks and parted lips.

I realized I had placed my hand on his chest after I had turned towards him but I was too frozen to move it. His eyes made their way down to my hand and then flicked back up, a curious look on his face. It was sort of questioning, probably wondering why I seemed so frozen.

Suddenly his eyebrows furrowed and his hand slid out of my shirt, a small smile still on his face. I watched as he licked his lips and his tongue laid over his bottom teeth, a shy smile playing at his parted lips as he looked down. I knew he must have realized and his reaction was not what I had expected. His eyes locked with mine after looking back up. The way he was looking at me was so hot.

"I'm sorry" he said, his morning voice prominent. His eyes showed that he really wasn't sorry.

I was so stunned by him that I couldn't say anything. My cheeks were burning as I stayed frozen, my eyes were not leaving his. As shy as I was in that moment I held my gaze confidently into his, making it known that I was mesmerized by him.

Our faces were severely close to each other's, I could feel my breath start to get heavy, and I swear he probably heard my heart pounding. If it wasn't my best friend laying in front of me my lips would have been on theirs already.

Colby still had a shy, amused smile on his face as his eyes lowered to my lips, holding his gaze there a little longer than normal.

Suddenly someone's alarm started going off on there phone and cause us to jump and sit up. We watched Sam and Corey groan and Sam turned and slammed his hand down on his phone, his eyes opening to look at us.

"Is it that time already?" He mumbled as he stretched.

I let out the breath I was holding and looked away and towards the other wall, trying to quickly comprehend what had just happened.

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