Chapter 28: Lust

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We got back to his place around 8 o clock, and after walking up there I had woken up a bit, my mind began to think about being alone with him.

Once we got in Colby set his keys and phone down on the table and stretched.

"Well now I'm kind of awake, what the hell."

I laughed and nodded as I leaned onto the counter. "I am too. I think just sitting there made us tired."

Colby looked at me and smiled. "Well what should we do if we don't wanna fall asleep?"

My mind went immediately to the one thing, and Colby knew it. He smirked at me as I blushed, smiling cheekily back at him.

I figured we'd both just be shy and one of us would suggest something else, but instead, Colby walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against him. My stomach turned as I slid my arms up around his neck, and we both leaned in for a kiss.

I still couldn't believe that this was real, my best friend and I were kissing, cuddling, we had sex last night... I honestly couldn't wrap my head around that. But I wouldn't change any of it, he was amazing.

I felt him smiling against my lips as I brought one of my hands up to caress his face, he squeezed me tighter. He leaned away for a second, only to readjust our lips as his bottom one fell below mine. I leaned my body in towards him as we continued to kiss, and he started walking us back against the counter.

My stomach was in knots as he pressed us up against it, he broke the kiss for a second to look at me. Our eyes locked with our faces just inches apart and we smiled at each other. Colby exhaled slowly.

"I'm glad we are both on the same page" he said with an airy laugh.

My smile got bigger as I held his face and brought it back to mine, our lips falling back into rhythm. My heart was beating fast just knowing what this would lead to, I knew it was going to. And I wanted it so bad.

Our make out session got hotter, his hands began to roam away from my hips and I unconsciously let out a low moan. I almost got scared as it happened, my shy side was still there. But after that Colbys body language changed.

I could feel his breath got heavier, his hold on me was still gentle, but I could tell he was holding back. If this wasn't our second time getting intimate I wouldn't be surprised if he was a little more rough. I liked a little roughness though, and thinking about it being from Colby had me shuttering under his touch.

I didn't want to act too crazy with him yet either, I would have been into whatever he was willing to do. Well, maybe not everything. But with as much tension as their was between us, I was tempted to just tell him to pick me up and get going.

I could feel that he wanted to though, I could hear it in his shaky exhale against my neck as he worked his way up. I decided to just go for it. Get the awkward part past us.

As his lips landed below my ear I slid my hands down until I reached his belt. I let my left hand lightly tug on it as the right slid down over the tightness in his jeans. Colbys lips stopped instantly and he leaned back to look at me, I held my breath as I looked into his dark eyes. I watched him breathe out deeply, his breath shaky once again.

I needed to stay confident, but the way he was looking at me made me feel so weak, in a good way. I didn't even blink as I slowly ran my hand back up over him, the other one pulling at his belt once again.

He looked at me differently this time than he had last night, this look was filled with lust, and I absolutely loved it. I must have been looking at him a different way too, because I think he got the hint.

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