Chapter 9: On The Road

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It was the day of the trip, I planned to meet at Sam's and just leave my car in his parking lot. I had a full bag packed with clothes and essentials, and two more bags packed with camera gear, not including my tripod.

I pulled into the parking lot and saw Sam and Corey there packing the van he was going to be renting for the week.

"What's up guys?" I yelled as I jumped out of my car. They both said "Hey" as they walked up with big smiles and helped me with my bags.

"Jeez did you pack for a month trip?" Corey asked when he saw my bags. I laughed. "No that's all my camera gear, I'm helping film this trip."

"Ohh cool" Corey said, "I thought you were just coming along as a homie."

"Well she'll be in the videos too, she doesn't have to film the whole time, I figured we could switch off every once in a while" Sam said as he grabbed one of the bags.

"Oh I'm fine with being in it as least as possible" I said with a laugh.

"Come on the fans love you" Sam added, "now that you are gonna be with us this time you'll probably be stuck with us."

I smiled, knowing I've always gotten positive comments from his and Colby's fans.

Speaking of Colby, suddenly we saw him come around the corner with Cassie at his side. He was carrying two big bags and a tripod, and Cassie was just prancing along next to him. She didn't even offer to help him?

At first I had a lump in my throat thinking she was coming along, but she didn't have any bags with her. As they walked up her and I locked eyes and her smile immediately vanished.

"Hey guys" Colby said with a weird smile as he walked up. We all said hey and Sam told him he could throw his bags in the back, putting his camera gear on the right side.

When he left Cassie's side to do that she faked a smile at me, acting like what she had done never happened.
"Hey Tess, are you here helping the boys pack? That's so nice of you!"

Did Colby not tell her I was coming? Before I could speak Corey spoke up.
"If you mean packing her own bags then yes" he said, "she's our videographer this trip." He slung his arm around me and I smiled up at him, then looked over at Cassie who had wide eyes.

"Wait you're going along?" She asked. As If it wasn't clear already...

"Yeah, is that alright?" I asked, trying to sound as concerned and nice as possible.

She looked taken back as she stared at me blankly before nodding.
"No, yeah, that's perfectly fine. I'm sure you guys will have a blast" She sneered. I could tell she was fuming on the inside.

"Come on let's put the rest of your stuff up here" Corey said as he pulled me to the other side of the van, passing Colby who had walked back up to Cassie.

When we were out of sight Corey took my bag from me to throw in the van.

"I had to pull you away before she jumped you" Corey said, "it's like you could see the smoke coming out of her ears."

We both busted out laughing, both of us understanding the reason why she was mad. I didn't even tell him for him to know, everyone knew. No one liked her.

We walked back over to the other three and we talked for a bit until it was time to head out. Before we could all disperse Cassie slung herself around Colby.

"Baby I'm going to miss you so much" she said in the most annoying tone as she smushed her lips over his.

We all watched in disgust as she forced her tongue into his mouth, you could see how uncomfortable Colby was by the action. That's a weird way to say goodbye...

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