chapter-4 interrogation

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Nandni pov

I opened my eyes slightly .''ohh god my head.''I felt immense pain in my was pounding. After sometime I opened my eyes it felt heavy to her soon some flashes played in her memory and i tried to stand but couldn't When I looked down to my horror I saw my both hands were bounded by the rope securly which were stopping me.I just couldn't move .painic rushed through me. I tried to open my hands but their was no avail .I felt like crying .but I kept trying to pull my wrists but it was only scratching my wrists.''Stubborn much aren't we'' a deep voice boomed in the room .

I flinched hearing the voice.when I felt some presence around me I turned my head in that direction slowly and found some ones dark figure sitting on the chair I blinked my eyes two - three times to see clearly in the darkness.Few seconds later lights got switched on suddenly like a magic.I heard footsteps coming near me and my heartbeats stared increaseing in fear. I dared not to turn when I felt the dark aura right beside me.''clear much?'' He said leaning down near my face as i was trying to look at him .It was truley a mock to me I could make out from his sentence .

'So finally miss Nandni murthy is up from her beauty sleep '' he said and chuckled in his dark voice.I never ever imagined my name could be sounding so scary.I gathered some courage and asked''who are you ?where i m? What do you want? '' wait then suddenly one more important question arises in me how does he know my name ? ''Shut up I dont answer to anyone here I ask the questions and you will answers to me'' he suddenly growled at me loudly. I flinched at his harsh and loud tone.

He sat closely near me on the chair in front of me like a king and here I was sitting like a criminal tied on the chair and in messy condition.'' I heard that you crashed with one of my car and also refused to tell anything starightly to men ''he said making me gulp . ''i-i m sorr-y I didn't do it in-tenitionally. I alredy apologi-zed many times.And I don-t know what are yo-u all saying abou-t b-oss and enemy .'' he stared straight in my eyes as if looking into my soul .He has dark black eyes just like devils .

''please le-ave me I dont know anything I wa-nt to go hom-e''.As soon as I finished my sentence he smirked staring at me.''Leave you huh? NEVER once a person enters in my kingdom then never goes back .Tears pricked my eyes after hearing his words. What does he mean .Will i never go back home?He got up suddenly breaking my chains of thought and leaned closer to my face I pressed my self more back to the chair .his breaths were fanning on her lips.''let m-e g... '' I couldn't complete my sentence as he sussh me .

I shut my mouth immediately .''you speak unnecessarily things too much .now come on tell me why you crashed with my car because no one has that much audacity to come across my path. '' this time he spoked calmly but this clameness was too scary. It didn't help her to stop the flowing tears. ''I dont know an-ything please let m-e go.'' I again whimpered.

''I was j-ust going for my coll-ege and didn't notice the sig-nal cha-nge I was in little h-urry as my first cl-ass is tak-en by mrs Rossariio and if I get late she woul-dn't have let me atten-ded the class that's w-hy I mista-kenly hitted the car''
Ple-ase beli-ve me.''I sobbed he looked at me deep into my eyes and said after some time ''Okk I m believing you''. I felt little relaxed at his reply and was going to ask him that can I go now,before I could ask or say something he said ''But you are not going anywhere'' smirk appeared to his face as if he understood what I was going to ask him and intentionally he broke my hope.

He traced my face with his fingers moving my hairs and leaned dangerously more close soon our noses were touching ''Take some rest darling and Save your tears'' he spoke smriking moving his fingers to my wet cheek''. He got up straight and started to leave '' my hands leave me.. come back... '' I shouted but he never turned back. As soon as he left the door it was closed by some men maybe his gaurds all the lights automatically switched off. I kept on shouting but no one came to help me. ''Ishi maa -appa where are you save me please'' I cried thinking about them.soon the darkness engulfed me and I slept feeling tired.

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👉Will nandu go back home ever again?

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