Ch-13: Just Like Your Mother

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Killian and Dorian stood face-to-face. They both started circling around each other as Killian kept his guard up as Dorian stared at him with a nonchalant look on his face. Killian lifts his right leg up he took a huge step towards Dorian and delivers a powerful strike to him, but the big man captures it and lifts Killian in the air as he follows it up with a kick to the stomach, sending him down to the ground.

Dorian walks up to him as Killian jumps back up and waited for Dorian to get closer to him, waiting for the chance to strike him. Killian went for a kick to the head, but he faked it and uses his other leg to kick Dorian right in the chest, making him stumble back a bit. Killian landed on his feet and charged at him, throwing a barrage of punches and kicks at the big man, though he manages to counter it with an uppercut to the chin and a few punches to the chest and ribs, making Killian stumble on the ground.

Dorian: Your hits pack some power into them, but you lean into your punches and kicks a lot. But good, nevertheless.

Killian: And for an old man, I'm surprised I haven't broken your fragile bones yet.

Dorian: Hmph. All right then, boy... try to break my bones then.

Killian calmly smiled as he walked over to Dorian until he sends a fast kick to him, but the only thing he kicked was Dorian's shirt as his body wasn't in front of him anymore... instead he was right beside him as he delivers a powerful palm strike to Killian's face, almost sending him falling off the roof if he didn't grab on to the ledge. He pulls himself back up and sees a shirtless Dorian standing there as he was waiting for Killian to climb back up.

Killian: That move... Was that some sort of kung fu fighting style?

Dorian: If you expect this to be an easy win because of my age, I feel sorry for you. I just keep my true abilities hidden from someone like you. It's a necessary enjoyment for an even sweeter defeat.

Killian jumps back to the roof and went for a diving kick to Dorian, but this time Dorian dodged Killian's kick and sends a powerful one of his own to his face. Dorian grabs Killian's hair and pulls him in to elbow him right in the face and follows it up with a back hand and another palm strike. Killian grabbed on to Dorian's hand before he could go down again and twist his arm along with his body to put Dorian down and punt kick him right in the face.

Killian: 'He's not like the others. This guy is really giving me a good fight.'

Dorian gets back up and spits the blood out of his mouth as Killian was wiping the blood off of his face. They both walked up to each other as their eyes didn't leave each other's gaze.

Dorian: Are you ready for this, boy?

Killian: I can do this all day, old man.

Killian jumped up in the air and tried to kick Dorian in the face, but he dodges and sends a swift punch to Killian's side, but he, too dodges it by flipping away and lands on the ground as he did a spin kick to Dorian's abdomen, making him cough up saliva. Dorian grabs his leg and pulls him in for a knee to the gut and an elbow to the spin, making Killian stumble forwards, but Dorian caught him by his shoulder and delivers a powerful clothesline, making Killian flip multiple times until he hit the ground.

Killian kicks back up and sends a swift punch to Dorian's jaw and follows it up with a heel kick to the back of his head. Dorian reaches for something in his pocket as Killian was about to strike him some more, but Dorian shoves an empty bottle into Killian's mouth as he punches the bottle inside of his mouth, causing his mouth to be filled with pieces of glass and blood.

Dorian: Haha! 

Killian started to spit out pieces of glass out of his mouth and even use his hands to take some of them out. After he was done, he turned towards Dorian and open his mouth to reveal his bloodied and damaged inside.

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