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Olivia's point of view:

"What do you consider your greatest achievement?" The interview said as I shot Lexi an annoyed look. They all have the same boring ass questions. Nothing original.

"Maybe graduating collage, I mean I can fix cars like no one's business" I say examining my nails.

"Probably being able to do something I love with my best friend" Lexi smiled as I rested my head on her shoulder smiling like an idiot. Moments like these make all of our fights and disagreements worth it.

"Ok next question, do we have a name for the new album?" The interviewer asked hopefully.
"Uhm yeah, it's called venom. But only like 1/3 of the songs are writen." Lexi says, my head never leaving her shoulder.

"We'll that's great to hear, what's it about?" I swear to god, these fuckers at this point just want me to spill it all don't they?

"It's about me and my fucked up life. A few of the songs are about exes and Another few are about my fucked up state of mind. Hopefully with moving back to LA I can add some somewhat happy or upbeat tracks to the album" I shrug. His mouth flew open.

"Y'all heard it here first. A sneak peak into the life of Olivia Fischer. And did you mention you were coming back to LA?" He said making Lexi giggle at him getting super over excited about this.

"Yes, I'm switching my label too. My manager just got married" I smiled. "Congratulations to him. Do you have any other plans after you move to la except for releasing the album?"

"Uhm me, conan, Lexi, lana, and Melanie are all working on making a movie together. Kind of how Melanie did k-12. She said she'd help me and all that shit so look out for that. Also LANA FUCKING DEL REY? Oh lord" I chuckled as Lexi hit my shoulder.

"Saying to much, no one wants to here about how you wanna fuck lana" lexi says rolling her eyes. Me sending the most hateful look to her. I lifted my head from her shoulder.

"No one fucking said that you dumb whore. I'm totally killing you off in the movie" I grumble before playfully slapping her upside the head.

"No the fuck you won't, I'll be killing you off in real life. Also literally last night you went onto a rant to me, conan, Drew, and Zoe about Liz Gilles and lana. Saying how you'd-" I cut her off before she could continue.

"Shut the fuck up" I scream while slumping down in my seat. "Anyways next question? I'm so gonna kill Lexi if either Liz or lana texts em later saying they saw this fucking interview" I continued, rubbing a hand down my face.

"How many songs are about your hatred towards Billie?"

"Oh for fucks sake, I dont hate Billie. I mean she's not the first girl whose fucking cheated. If it wasn't for that dumbass Jeanie no one would have even know that's why I don't like Billie that much. I'm literally going to be working with the dumb bitch. But t answer your question 3" I giggle at the last part but being completely serious for the first bit.


Lizzy grant

Saw your interview
don't kill Lexi.
Please Olivia

I might not kill her
Might kill myself though.
She was lying by the way.

I totally believe that Lexi was lying... 💀
But hell, I'm down to f

Whoa there

Literally shut up, your the one who said you'd fuck me
But I can't blame you, who wouldn't want to fuck me?
But hey Atleast your coming to interscope, we'll be working together

I'm so fucking hyped about working with you but also Your funny to think people really want to fuck you, anyways I have to answer Liz Gilles 37 calls now. Goodnight fuck face,

You don't have to be fucking rude, anyways You have fun with that.
Good night little fucker
Love you.

Love you too


We joke like that a lot. She's like a fucking mom to me. But hey? She's a fucking milf then. Now I finally get where yunggravy is coming from... I'm hearing him out.

It's the friendships where you can say 'I love you' and it's in a friendly way that are always the best.

"I fucking hate you Lexi!" I hissed my eyes darting between her and my ringing phone. "First it was lana now it's fucking Liz!" I continued as her, Conan, Drew, Zoe, and Claudia all started laughing.

I sigh before answering my phone, putting it on speaker. I slapped a finger over my lips to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Let me guess you saw the interview and are here to tell me you believed lexis lie." I sigh as I leaned back, almost bumping my head against the headboard of my bed.

"It wasn't a lie!" Lexi screeched making em roll my eyes. "Bitch your so gunna die"

"Yes but no. Your doing a fucking movie and not casting me? That's fucking homophobic."

"Elizebeth gillies Corcoran, you are straight. Ain't nothing more homophobic than not being a homosexual, wack ass hoe" I giggled. "Also tell Sean and Jayden I said hi" I added. Her two sons are maybe mine and lexis biggest fans. It's so cute.

"I will, also I'm not fucking homophobic. Your the one who was ranting to me about you having slight internalized homophobia towards James Charles." She chuckled.

"Hey! We said we weren't going to bring that up! Wait till my lawyer heard about this. I will sue you for everything you have Elizebeth." I hiss making everyone laugh.

"Hey ass holes" she screams into the phone making everyone scream back. I feel bad for the other people in this goddamn hotel.

"So tell me what's happened with you and Billie? You fuckers are gunna be working together? I'd kill myself on the spot" she said making me laugh. I fucking love her so much. Not in a gay way. But she could definitely get it.

"Yep Joey said we were switching to interscope, and it's just my luck she works there"

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