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Olivia's point of view:

"Why am I here? I've got a date in... an hour and a half, can't be fucking around. She'll kill me if I'm late." I rolled my eyes while swinging my legs onto the conference table that say in-front of me.

"Since we are getting ready for tour and shit we decided to introduce you to some of the members who will be on your team" Joey told me plainly.

"If it's for your why the fuck isn't Billie here, and why the fuck Is she here?" I spit while I glanced at stella.

"She's going to be tour stylist for tour, Phoebe couldn't make it." I just slammed my back against the chair, why couldn't my real stylist phoebe be here? Not some numb bitch who is tryna get back with me after cheating on me.

"Boo fucking who, find someone else." I spit angered as Lexi tried to dial down the situation. "I hope you burn in hell" I muttered under my breath but slumped done and stayed quite.

"She's one of the most qualified people for the job, I'm sorry Olivia." Mark, billies like 4th new manager this month alone,sent me a sympathetic look. "Ill get you fired if you ever say that shit to me again. An autistic kindergartener could do a better job than she ever could" I lot a cigarette while leaning over to puff out of the opener window behind me.

"I was thinking-" Stella started but I cut her off mid-sentence. "Imma head hike before I'm late for my date, fill me in yeah?" I put my cigarette out and slid the ashtray across the table as I got up.

"You have to sit through a meeting eventually, you can't just keep skipping them!" Joey started to raid his voice but he was right. "Alright, j im sorry today is just not the day. I can't miss the date, Billie would bury me alive" I joked as I got up to leave.

"I'll let it slide this time, don't make it a recurring thing please?" Mark asked me nicely euch I sent him a smile in response.

"Alright have a good night y'all, except you stella. You can not be able to sleep tonight" I turned to leave the door and call Billie without even looking back.

"Hello?" I heard Billie's soft voice sound from the phone. "Can we just have an in night tonight? I don't feel like going out" I spoke with a sigh, running my hand down my face.

"Of course, ive got some food at my place if you wanna have a date night, without going out" her voice instantly made me smile,
God I'm so in love with her.


"So are you going to tell me what's wrong, or keep avoiding the question." Billie put her hand over mine to prevent me from moving my fork to play with the food on my plate.

"Stella's going to be on tour with us" I avoided eye contact and went back to toying around with my utensils. "Oh..." it wasn't like a shocked oh, or a happy oh... it was one full of dread and that alone makes me wish I never spoke.

God I need to see my therapist again.

"That's... ok I guess? Maybe we can just ignore her..." I looked up from my plate, Billie was messing with her rings as she talked, giving me the impression that she wasn't too thrilled already and what I'm about to say wohnt
Make her too happy either.

"She's going to be my stylist for tour" a look of utter distaste twisted into Billie's face. "Why can't phoebe go on tour?" Billie was fuming but she did a good job at hiding it.

"Never got that question answered, I'll text her after dinner Alright? I don't you to worry about it, it'll be fine, we'll be fine, I'll be fine" I grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles in an attempt to comfort her.

"How about you go and pick a movie, I'll clean up dinner, and we'll just cuddle the rest of the night?" I linked my hand with hers. "That sounds nice, I love you. You know that right?" I could here the genuine tone in her voice.

"Of course I know that, you know I love you more than anyone before too right?" She just nodded in response as I dropped her hand to start cleaning up the dishes from dinner.

You doesn't deserve her

She's cheating on you again

Mathew isn't just her 'fake boyfriend'

Kill yourself

No one you love actually likes you, it's out of pity

Overdose on pain killers

Drink your pain away

"SHUT UP SHUT UP" I hissed to myself, almost dropping the dishes as I did. Thank god Billie hadn't seen it.

If I could pay to make my brain go quite for just a bit, I'd sell my soul. Fuck why am I so messed up? Maybe I'm the problem.

"Olivia, honey are you almost done?" Billie sounded from the top of the stairs as I got snapped out of my thoughts and out the last dish in the washer. "I- uhm yeah sorry darling" I called back.

"I love when you I call me that" I could faintly hear her from up the stairs. What did I possibly do right in my life to possible have her?

"Took you long enough, damn" she teased me as I got up to her room. "Baby... I'm sorry" I poured as I jumped into bed next to her.

"Since you took too long, we're watching Amy-" she didn't even finish before I got on my knees, begging her not too.

"You know what that movie does to me. Any deserved better and I don't feel like crying. What about mean girls instead?" I pleaded, Billie just held back a smile.

"Your lucky your cute" she cupped my cheek with her hand as she pressed her lips to mine. "So is that a yes to mean girls?"

"Yes you idiot" she giggled again before pressing her lips to mine again. I could listen to that giggle forever.

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