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Olivia's point of view:

It's been a few weeks in the road and honestly nothing seriously conflicting has happened. We're now in Las Vegas, my favorite city.

"Billies pregnant!" Finneas yelled on stage, I bursted out laughing because he ran the joke past me backstage. It was April fools after all.

"NO, no, nooooooo. Now why would you say that?" Billie turned on her stool to look at her brother. "I'm not pregnant guys" she sighed before slapping finneas.

"So annoying, like god. Fucking brothers man." Billie looked back at me and I just smiled like an idiot. "FINNEAS IS SINGLE HAHAHAHAH" she pointed at her brother again and started dying of laughter.

"No he's not, April's fools." Billie giggled, god I love her. "How the fuck would I even be pregnant? Last time I checked Olivia doesn't have a dick." Billie said after a second.

"I don't know, i didn't really think this through. She's the one who told me to make the joke." He said while smiling at me.

"Really Olivia?" Billie turned her head to look at me again. "Sorry baby, it was funny." I got the sound tech to give me a mic, knowing Billie would say something.

"You're so annoying, but I love you." Billie blew me a kiss. "Love you too, now sing." I responded making her giggle and the crowd erupt in cheers.


"The fuck is your problem, why are you being such a bitch?" I slammed my cigarette onto the ashtray infront of me, we had a good night last night I don't know what the fuck changed in 15 hours.

"I just think maybe it's not the best thing for you." Billie rubbed her face and stared at me blankly. "What, do you not want me to have friends or be happy?" I deadpanned.

"Of course I want you to be happy, but I'm not about to let you do some dumbass shit and get yourself killed." Billie crossed her arms.

"I'm not going to get killed, it's just drag racing." I stood up, grabbing my car keys. "Yeah but it's incredibly dangerous, I don't want you to die or get seriously injured!" Billie stood up and tried to stop me from moving.

"Billie, it's with people you know. It'll be fine." I pushed past Billie. "Where are you going?" Billie stares at me, she's angry. "For a drive, I'll be back later." I don't even look at her, just leave.

"Love you?" Billie called out as I opened the door to the hotel room, "mhm love you." I grumbled while walking out, no matter how mad or upset I could be with her I can't just not say I love her back.

I'll always love her.

I take a deep breath as I closed the door and started down the hallway. Billies just overprotective and paranoid, I still want to drag race with my friends when your is over, ain't like imma crash and like break every bone in my body.

As the elevator dings I get brought outta my thoughts, my keys clutched tightly in my hands. Drew just about knocks me over, "where you going, why isn't Billie with you?" Drew studied my face.

"We had a fight, I'm gong on a drive to clear my head." I mumbled as I kept walking now stopping once. "Be safe." She calls out before walking into the elevator.

I walk straight to my car, ignoring the few people who recognized me. I didn't have it in me right now to fake a smile and be nice, so I'm choosing to keep going so I don't get canceled for doing some dumb shit.

I silently rested my head against my steering wheel, I hate fighting with Billie just a little more than I hate not getting my way. It's not often me and Billie disagree but it's like hell when we do.

Blondie roars to life as I peel out of the Luxor parking lot, I got my team to bring her over since we were in Las Vegas. She's like my child.

As I turn to the highway I can't help the wave of anxiety that washed over me, I hate driving on the strip it's so chaotic and I've seen 6 people get side swiped right in front of me over the past 3 years.

I turned on the radio, Billie's song was playing. I silently turned it up and focused my eyes on the road, I'm a safe driver I'd be amazing at drag racing but happy wife happy life I guess...

I wish she wouldn't worry so much, I love her but god. I still have a ring, I'm just waiting on the right time to propose to her. It'll happen someday but maybe my plan isn't soon enough... or maybe it's too soon? Fuck dude I don't know.

I picked my phone up and dialed Billie's number. "You done with you hissy fit?" I heard Billie's voice sound through the phone, she sounds like she just woke up.

"Yes baby, I'm sorry your right. Maybe it is dangerous." I take a turn to head back to the hotel. "I'm not gunna say I told you so, but I. Told. You. So." She giggled.

"What do you think about getting married?" I blurt out, not even fully thinking of what I just said. "I already told you that you could propose with a ring made of paper tommorow and I'd say yes, you know my ring size." She giggled.

"You seriously want to marry me?" I ask, seriously. "Yes, I didn't wait 3 years for you to come back for no reason. You're the love of my life, even though you make some stupid decisions I don't love you any less." Her tone turned serious.

"You'd make a great Fischer." I smiled softly, "who said you wouldn't make a good O'Connell?" Billie responded back. "Billie Fischer sounds a lot better than Olivia O'Connell."

The car infront of me hit the side of the road and was swerving, they slammed on the breaks and I slammed into the back of them. "FUCK" I screamed.

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