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Billies point of view:

Who knew all I had to do was put a set of lingerie on and Olivia would literally want to fuck the shit outta me?

"I'm home- holy shit" she breathed out, almost dropping her keys and phone when she saw me sitting on the countertop.

"Oh, hey baby" I bit my lip as she stood their completely still, jaw dropped to the floor as she slowly started to approach me.

"Hey darling" she finally managed to get out as she stood between my legs, her hands resting on my thighs.

"If I thought I was attracted to you before... this definitely takes the cake" she crashed her lips to mine, slowly moving her hands closer and closer to my core.

"Your so pretty" she spoke after breaking the kiss, both of us breathing heavily. "Literally I'm not but you are so shut up" I teased her as she rolled her eyes.

"Maybe if I fuck you infront of the mirror do you relise that you are in fact pretty as fuck." I wrapped my legs around her waist as she pulled me off of the counter.

"Mhm... it might work it might not but you should definitely try it" I spoke seductively into her ear.

"I wish everyone could see you the way I do" she laid me back on the bed with a smile plastered onto her face.

"As long as i know you love me, that'll be enough" I spoke before kissing her deeply.

As we made out she somehow managed to get the lingerie off of me and throw it to the floor, don't know how or when... all I know is that she somehow managed to do it.

As she stood back to take her cloths off I reached for my phone to put on some music, Florida kilos by lana del rey was the first song to pop up.

"Isn't it weird that we're listening to one of our friends songs before we have sex?" Olivia giggled before making her way back over to me.

"Mmm only if you make it" I was quick to wrap my legs around her waist with a smile as she started to trail dark hickeys down my jawline, neck, and collarbone.

"Management will be so happy when you show up tomorrow with dark hickeys all over you" she giggled as she started to move closer to my core once again.

I kid you fucking not... as soon as she went to go down on me her phone went off. "FOR FUCKS SAKE... this better be important" he phone doesn't go off unless it's her doorbell, a celebrity dm, management, her important messages, and calls.

"Fuck..." she mumbled "I don't know how we are going to explain this but we better think of it fast" she showed me her phone and pressed play, a recording of her and Jonathan at lunch earlier today played.

"So how are you in Billie?" Jonathan had said while taking a bite of his food. "Good, I mean I realize why I fell in love with her so many years ago. She's pretty, got good personality, a milf, and over all just a great person" ok is had mumbled while she shoved food into her mouth.

"Aww, you really think that about me?" I sent her a smile, biting my lip as I looked at her. "Wait, MILF?" I saw her crack up a bit.

"I mean you are a mother to shark... a HOT mother" she kissed me once again. "I'll figure out what to do... fuck" she mumbled as she looked at her phone again.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow as she ran a hand down her face. "My mom and lexis mom are going to be here in an hour" she sighed while looking at me.

"Fucking cock blocks" I groan slamming my body onto the Mattress. "Of your good we've got an hour darling, I can take care of you in that amount of time don't you think?" I felt my face flush as she spoke to me.

I just nodded with a stupid smile plastered into my face. "Uh uh, use your words" she sent me a look before hovering over me.

"Yes ma'am" I joked making her roll her eyes. "Nah you've got it coming now" she kissed down my body, stopping at my core for the third fucking time.

Without warning she inserted 2 fingers into me making me gasp. My eyes rolled back as she started pumping and curling her fingers into me quickly.

"Holy... fuck" I breathed out as she kept going, harder and deeper each time. She attached her lips to my clit while she was still fingering me. Now this sent me over the fucking edge.

"I-I gonna cum" I studdered, my hands gripping the sheets next to me as Olivia kept going. "Really this soon? What a shame"

"Cum" she ordered moments before I released all over her fingers. "Good girl, seams that we didn't need an hood after all" she teased before cleaning me and her fingers up.

"My bad that your like really good" I slightly pushed her jokingly. "Just go get ready" she laughed along as she stood up.


"Mama!" Olivia opened the door to reveal her mother and soon to be step mother, this fucker literally didn't tell me her and Lexi were going to be step sisters until 30 minuets ago.

"Hi Olivia, hi Billie! It's been so long" she brought me into a hug making me smile widely. "It has been a while, how are you holding up?" I spoke softly as Olivia led us to the living room

"I've been alright, dealing with this fucker though" she pointed towards lexis mom with a laugh. "You know personally I wouldn't take that type of disrespect" I joked to lexis mother as Sadie just rolled her eyes.

"So are you two back together again?" Lexis mother looked between me and Olivia, a wide smile plastered on her face.

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