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Olivia's point of view:

I woke up to my phone ringing on the bedside table, the time read 4:00. Billie's body was wrapped tightly around mine, I had to move her to reach my phone.

"Baby" I whispered and tried to shake the dark haired woman awake. "Mmm fuck."she mumbled and moved her head to nuzzle into my neck just a little bit further.

"Can you move to the side to get my phone?" I ask her softly, rubbing her back as the ringing stopped. If it's important they'll call back.

"Do I gotta?" She whines before she kissed my cheek. "Yes honey, please?" My phone started ringing again. How the fuck did it get though my "do not disturb" in the first place?

"Kiss first?" Billie sat up a tiny bit, I just nodded my head. "Sure." I kissed her and she grabbed my phone for me.

"Hello?" I wince as I was blinded by the light of my phone before putting it up to my ear. "What're you doing right now?" I heard my manager's voice sound through my phone.

"Well me and Billie were sleeping, Goddamnit it's 4 in the morning. What can I help you with Margaret?" I sounded agitated, I didn't mean to but I can't manipulate time.

Maybe don't call me before 8 am?

"Before you get on the bus tomorrow, can you meet me for brunch? There are some thing we need to... discus." I could hear the hesitation in her voice.

"The fuck you mean by that? I didn't do shit wrong. Your speaking like I killed someone on the team or something." I ran a hand down my face, Billie kissed me to try and comfort me.

She could hear the call, no matter if it was on speaker or up to my ear. She was so close to me that it didn't Matter.

"No, you didn't do anything. It's just there's a few things we need to go over, will you meet me for brunch?" She was more confident this time around.

"Yeah sure, uh what time?" Billie started to kiss down my neck, distracting me greatly. She knows exactly what she's doing.

"How does 9:45 sound?" Billie most definitely just left a mark, "mhm, yeah that sounds great. I'll see you downstairs tomorrow" i stifled back a moan.

"Mhm goodnight Olivia." Margaret hung up the phone. "We were supposed to go out to breakfast tomorrow" i could see billie frown in the moon light as i placed my phone onto the edge of the nightstand.

"I know, I'll make it up to you. I promise princess." I kissed her forehead. "You better."


"You wanted to see me?" I sat down across from Margaret in the corner if the hotel restaurant.

"Yeah, a few things have been made to my attention by Chandler. Care to explain?" Margaret crossed her arms.

"For fucks sake, is this because I don't wanna date her? I'm with Billie and I don't plan on leaving her." I couldn't help but scowl.

"It's not about that, I stand with your opinion on that. I'm talking about the fact that it became physical." My Face went blank, practically all of the color drained from my face.

"So are we going to fire Chandler?" My smile came back slightly. "No... not exactly, I- you've gotta promise you aren't going to get mad at me if I say this okay?" Martha said I surely, her voice wavering slightly.

"Depends what it is..." I say back a little bit. "Fuck, this isn't easy to say. You've gotta break up with Billie."

"No." I slammed the fork I was twirling around in my fingers down onto the table. "I'm not doing that." I laughed.

"Only for the tour, we can't have her being so possessive and clingy that it physically affects your work." Margaret gave me a sympathetic look.

"So your saying you want me to break up with my girlfriend because she's being a good girlfriend? What the actual fuck?" I sat there in utter disbelief.

"She punched your drummer"

"Chandler threw the first punch"

"It doesn't matter, there's too much tension and it's putting everyone in a bad position."

"But you don't understand, she's the love of my life. I cant just break up with her because y'all tell me to." I drug my hand down my face

"It's just for the next few months, then you can go back to being grossly affectionate and close, put your job and reputation over some girl." Margaret tried to convince me.

"She's not just some girl, She's Billie fucking eilish. Do you know how many women and men would kill someone to be me just for the simple fact that I'm her girlfriend?"

"Yes, I understand that. But she's doing you more harm than good to your image"

"That's a Risk im willing to take."

"Billie's being cancelled right now, do you wanna make it worse for her, or even get yourself cancelled?"

"I don't care if I get canceled, and how am I going to make it worse for her?"

"She's going to keep doing this with anyone who flirts with you, what about if it's a fan?"

"She wouldn't do that are you fucking insane?"

"You never know, she's just going to keep getting herself in trouble. You know that right?"

"How do you know that, I mean I'm with her more than you."

"I'm not here to be your friend, I'm on your team. It is my job to make sure your making the right decision, and I don't think being with Billie is in your best interest right now."

"Maybe having you on my team is the thing thats's not my best interest right now."

"You need to understand I'm trying to help you, think on this. You're going to be getting your own hotel room for the rest of the stops, you either break up with Billie or we cut your tour short now."

"Your fucking fired, cunt." I spit before walking away.

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