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Olivia's point of view:

"Babe wake up" Billie tried to shake me awake. "Fuck off" I groan as I roll over and glance at the clock.

8am, what the actual fuck. "No, you need to get up" she told me again as I just let out a huff and buried myself further into the covers.

"Alright then" she let out a small breath before getting out of bed. Part of me thought I won but the other part of me told me I was dead wrong.

She yanked open the curtains practically blinding me. "I want a divorce" I whine as I try to further hide myself under the covers, this time making sure I covered my face.

"Sorry but I just won't allow that" she laughed before yanking the covers off me. "I'm hungover and tired, don't make me go Billie" I cried.

"Get your ass up or I'll shoot you" Lexi busts into the room. I took the first think i could get from on top of my night stand, throwing it at her.

"IM UP IM UP" I surrendered as Lexi stated shooting ice cold fucking water from the water gun I got her for Christmas.

"Good, now we'll leave in an hour. I'm going to go make breakfast" she smiled at me before skipping out of the room. I want to kill myself.

"Wich Song Are you filming today?" Billie asks as she starts looking through my closet, some how she is already dressed and everything. Fucking psychopath.

"Thinking of you i think" I muffled out as I brushed my teeth, not even bothering to stand in front of the mirror to do it. Yes I get that your supposed to brush your teeth in the bathroom but suck my dick.

"Plot?" She continued as she pulled out a white graphic Tee with black sweatpants and handed them to me.

"Uhm were gunna crash a car into a brick wall and... it's hard to explain" I spit into a cup that happened to be on my bedside table before going to the bathroom to go put my tooth brush away.

"That's nasty" Billie snarked as I rolled my eyes and walked away. I don't do this often, just from time to time when I'm a lazy slug.

"Bitch your one to talk, you but your cold ass witch feet in my face last night after we fucked." I hissed back.

"Bitch you literally let me spit in your mouth"

"That was hot you putting your crooked ass toes on me wasn't" I fake gagged. "Oh shut up, meet me down stairs once your dressed" she closed the door.


(Song at top)

"Can I hit you later?
'Cause it's my jam
Rollin' in my beat up
Gold Trans Am
Sorry, I can't hear you
And I got plans
You won't get me naked
You had your chance
I know I said I wouldn't talk about you publicly, but
That was before I caught you lyin' and cheating on me, slut
I was down for you hardcore
While you were out trying to score
Found out you're full of it
I'm over it, so suck my dick"

The sound system in the set we where in boomed as me and Lexi danced in a replica of Blondie In the middle of the desert. This song made me aware that maybe I shouldn't have held a grudge against Billie, I mean she is my girlfriend and shit again now but I still feel bad. We just wrapped up filming for the day and are watching the video we recorded.

"I heard our song on the radio
And I see your face everywhere I go
I thought I'd call just to let you know
I've been thinking of you, thinking of you
But now my song's on the radio
And you see my face everywhere you go
I thought I'd call just to let you know
I've been thinking of you, thinking of you"

The video flicked to me sitting in a grave yard the lighting made me look like a ghost -that's the point- while Lexi was digging a hole, sounds stupid; believe me I know.

"So I've got your message
Are you having fun
With your fugly girlfriend?
Yeah, I've moved on
Can I hit you later?
Gotta get to stage
In a brand new city
Gettin' laid
I know I said I wouldn't talk about you publicly, but
That was before I caught you lyin' and cheating on me, slut
I was down for you hardcore
While you were out trying to score
Found out you're full of it
I'm over it, so suck my dick"

The sound repeated but now we were more in a city, the scene ended which a screeching vault implying we crashed our car. Taylor spect totally didn't do this, I don't recall what your talking about?

"I heard our song on the radio
And I see your face everywhere I go
I thought I'd call just to let you know
I've been thinking of you, thinking of you
But now my song's on the radio
And you see my face everywhere you go
I thought I'd call just to let you know
I've been thinking of you, thinking of you
I heard our song on the radio
And I see your face everywhere I go
I thought I'd call just to let you know
I've been thinking of you, thinking of you
But now my song's on the radio
And you see my face everywhere you go
I thought I'd call just to let you know
I've been thinking of you, thinking of you"

It cuts back to the graveyard, me still singing but this time Lexi pushed in a casket and as the song ended and slowly faded out there was a clear shot of the grave stone.

'Here lies Olivia Fischers love life 1999-2021' not really dead if you ask Billie but you do you I guess. Still a bit mad at Lexi for dissing me like that though.

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