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Olivia's point of view:

"Goddmanit sorry ya'll it took me a while to get these." I held up 4 joints and handed them to Lana Del rey. The two of them, Lexi, and Nikki Lane had come over to Lana's house to work on a song and just hangout.

"Mhm atleast you got them" Lana giggled before handing 3 to Nikki who passed 2 to Lexi who passed one right back to Olivia.

"Alright I say we work on the song before we get cross faced, Mkay?" Lexi said, pulling 2 bottles of pink Whitney onto the table. "So we left of with a title and that's pretty much it." Nikki clicked her pen as she pointed at the song titled "breaking up slowly".

"You know, I'm really feeling like we need to come up with a common theme and work on instrumentals today." I walked over to the piano in Lana's living room and began to hum and mash the keys.

"Then we can add a-" Lexi started to strum the guitar she had brought while the rings in Lana's hand lightly tapped the table to make a rythm as Nikki started to hum, speaking a few verses here and there.

"Didja record that?" Lexi tuned to lana who smiled proudly, "yes ma'am, I record all of our sessions" she held up her phone with a giggle.

After an hour and a half or so, we had managed to achieve our goal of getting the instrumentals done, and half of a chorus and 2 verses.

"Time for gossip time." Lana cheered happily as she rested the joint between her teeth and motioned for Lexi to light it for her.

"We're no better than 15 year old 'popular girls' Nikki laughed, her joint was next to get lit. Olivia laughed before speaking. "Me and Billie brought up marriage on our trip, I told her I've got a plan but we all know I can't think 2 weeks in advance. Much less a whole ass proposal." I admitted, taking a sip of pink Whitney as the room went silent.

"You should do something cute for her, like take her out to that hill y'all hung out on when you first met. I bet she'd love it." Lexi smiled at me. "Yeah I thought about it but I mean we haven't been there since that one afternoon, it doesn't seem right you know?" I took a long drag of my joint before tossing the lighter to the table.

"I know y'all are public but are you wanting this to be a more private thing, or are you letting everyone know?" Nikki cocked her head a little as she spoke. "You know, I haven't really thought about it but considering both of Billie and I's fans are little ass cia agents they'd find out within the hour so either is an option really." I took another shot.

"Why don't you do it on tour? She's got a show on her birthday next year, make it one she can't forget." Lana cracked a smile. "You know, that's an amazing idea. See this is why I had to consult y'all first because my dumbass can't make decisions on my own. I'd probably end up asking Billie what she wanted, completely ruining the surprise." I laughed, causing everyone else to aswell.

"You guys are honestly so cute. Seeing you together heals the break in my heart I got when y'all split. Your made for her and she's made for you, I didn't believe in fate untill I met the two of tou." Lexi admitted looking at the floor sheepishly.

"Your acting like you and Drew aren't the cutest couple either." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Y'all wanna take a trip tommorow to see me go ask Patrick and Maggie for their daughters hand and marriage while she's at a meeting?" I added.

"Hell yeah"

"My schedules clear"

"Let me consult with my fiancé, she doesn't let me out of the house much."

"God dude it's now all really setting in I'm getting married" Lexi sat in disbelief as she played with the ring on her finger.

"I'm hoping I'd be your maid of honor?" I queried as I looked at my best friend in the entire big wide world. "Only if I get to be your maid of honor when you marry billie."


Billie: baby I'll be home in like 30 minuets, do you want me to bring home food?
Olivia: mhm taco yes.
Billie: LMAO are you drinking with Lana again? 💀
Olivia: mhm Lexi and Nikki and lana
Olivia: wish you were here 😉
Billie: keep it in your pants Fischer 🥱
Billie: I'll come by and pick you up. I don't trust your intoxicated self to walk home.
Billie: or anyone your with for that matter.
Billie: the blind leading the blind 💀
Olivia: I can dake car of myself. 😡
Billie: considering little miss grammar police can't spell right, I'm picking you up.

"Ugh Billie is picking me up, she doesn't trust any of us to walk home." I rolled my eyes jokingly. "Well I don't really blame her, I just watched Nikki almost fall twice on the way to the bathroom." Lana giggled as Nikki shot her hand out of the bathroom just to flip her off, that bitch was pissing with the door open.

"I'll pick y'all up at 3 tomorrow to go speak to Billie's parents." I said when I heard Billie's car horn sound from outside.

"Hey baby" I smiled as I fell into the passenger seat. "Did you have fun?" Billie leant over and kissed me.

"Mhm I missed you though." I slurred before pulling her back to deepen the kiss. "I missed you too baby, now let's get you home." She pushed me back as I whined.

"But I Wanna Kiss you" i frowned, not taking my eyes off of my future wife. "My love, once we get home you can kiss me as much as you want." Billie put her hand on my thigh.

"Mmm I really love you, you know that?" I grabbed her hand and put it further up my thigh.

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