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Billies point of view:

"Come back to bed..." Olivia groaned as I got up, I could barely see her outline with the moon light cascading into our villa. "Baby, you might not want to. But I'm planing on watching the sunrise on the beach." I laughed as I put a shirt on. I was wearing nothing but a pair of Olivia's boxers and my bra black laced bra.

She just grumbled something I couldn't make out before getting up. "Your not going to put on a shirt?" I giggled as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Nah, my sports bra is enough." She said before kissing my neck. "I prefer you with nothing on, but you know. A little bit of clothes is ok too." I couldn't help the smile that made its way onto my face.

"That can be arranged my love." I felt her smile against my skin. I'm so in love with this woman, it's almost sickening. But at the same time it's not, cause like I said. I'm in love with this woman.

She pulled back and wrapped her arm around my waist as we made our way down the beach. It's still really early here in Hawaii so the sun is just now starting to make its way into the sky. A subtle orange glow started to alluminate the water. Signaling that the sun was about to rise.

"I don't think I've ever been up early enough to see a sunrise." Olivia shrugged as she sat down in the sand, I sat down right next to her. "I know you better than I know myself some days, there no way you haven't." I find it hard to believe that she's never seen a sunrise.

"The one time we hiked up the mountain
Slash hill, you saw one then." I pointed out before she could continue. "No, I'm being dead serious that's old the only other time. I've I My seen a sunrise twice." She shrugged her shoulders once more.

"We'll we need to fix that huh?" I teased her causing her to lightly push me into the sand. "I wanna buy a house in Hawaii." She blurred out after a few moments, the sun was now starting to come over the horizon. Pouring its orangish-yellow glare over everything around us.

"Darling, you just bought a penthouse in New York and you bought an actual permanent place besides a hotel room in Vegas. Don't you think three houses is enough?" I joked. "I'm dead serious! We could have a house everywhere. All we need now is a mountain house." She said with a shit eating grin plastered on her face.

"I wouldn't be against a house here... but let's maybe hold off on the mountain house yeah?" I kissed her cheek. "Ok, mom." She said in faux annoyance. It was cute.

"Let's go surfing" I watched as the woman I live so much's eyes lit up at the idea. "Oh my god, yeah!" She yelled before scrambling to her feet.

"Wait... I thought your bimbo ass was scared of the ocean?" She stopped dead in her tracks, almost falling over as she did. "Hawaii is different, I can see the stuff coming to eat me before they do." I set my self up for this one, didn't I?"

"You always see me before I eat you our,
I guess that makes sense." And there it is, her dirty mind. She's almost worse than a middle school boy holy fuck.

"I walked right into that." I rolled my eye before intertwining my fingers with her own. "What did you expect me to do? Waste and opportunity for a dirty joke? I'm Olivia Fischer, singer & songwriter, Horndog on the side." She laughed as I shoved her.

When we got back into the house my phone was going Of like crazy in my night stand, so was Olivia's. "It would hurt to look right, some one might need us?" We both just looked together. "We wouldn't be notified if someone didn't need us." I pointed out before picking up my phone.

Lana: Olivia Fischer, Billie eilish pirate Baird O'Connell!
Lana: where in fucks name are you bozos at?!?!
Conan: come home
Conan: we miss you 😘🔫
Olivia: we aren't coming back 💀
Billie: yeah no chance. 😻🤞

Me and Olivia just looked at each other before bursting out in laughter. I just grabbed my bathing suit and threw my phone back in for the nightstand drawer. I threw my shirt to the floor before unhooking my bra so I could put my bikini top on.

"Every time you never fail to amaze me. You are so pretty my love." Olivia but her lip as she looked at me. Fucking horn dog.

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself." I sent her a wink before sliding my underwear off and throwing it at her so I could put my bottoms on. "Score! Im living every gay girls dream right now!" She squealed.

She's a big child at heart.

"Don't forget a lot of men!" I added making us both laugh harder. When I'm around Olivia Fischer I feel like I can be myself, I don't have to put up some false narrative that the press wants to see, or one that my manager is trying to force me into.

I feel loved when i'm a round her, like there's no one in the world she'd rather be with (there better not be, the fuck?) anyways- I love this woman with everything in me and I'd sell my soul to the devil to be able to be with her forever.

I'd give up my career, my money, my talent. All of it is worthless as long as I have her with me. I'm not letting her go again, I fucked up once and let her go. I'm not doing that again, I'll never leave this woman. She means too much to me.

"Stop staring at me like an idiot, let's go surfing!" She grabbed my wrist and drug is both outside.

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