「calm before the storm」

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It was a while before Genya and Inosuke calmed down enough to stop fighting, but even then they sat on the opposite ends with Akiho sandwiched between as the mediator. The fire cracked before them while a handful of fish were being cooked on sticks and other slayers were also sitting around the pit enjoying the big haul.

"We're able to feast thanks to Higashikuze-san!" a male slayer with a shaved head said. He recalled how the girl was able to catch incoming fish with her bare hands in such fast succession. "How'd you learn to do that?"

"I just applied what I learned during pillar training..." she was still unused to compliments from random slayers since they usually feared her. "And a bit of natural instincts."

"Wow, it's impressive either way!"

"I caught more!" Inosuke reminded them as he chomped down on his sixth fish. The boar mask was set aside so everyone got to see his unnaturally beautiful face, which juxtaposed how brutish he was acting earlier. "I'm the King of the Mountain so they all bow down to me. Even fish!"

"This is Himejima-san's mountain. You're just a crazy barbarian," Genya scuffed while reaching to grab his seventh fish. His pointed retort caused Inosuke to angrily swipe the same one before he could out of spite. "You—!"

He only received a smirk from the male with the fish in his mouth, expression clearly saying 'I'm better than you'.


Akiho, who had been focusing on roasting the fish in front of her, passed a perfectly roasted one to her companion just in time to prevent another fight breaking out. Upon receiving the fish, it was Genya's turn to smirk at his rival, causing the male's expression to turn sour.

The campgrounds lulled for a moment until they heard the sound of a large boulder being rolled down the hill from a distance. They all knew it was the Stone Pillar, who had been silently training alongside the slayers even during lunchtime.

"The ball ball old guy who owns this mountain..." Inosuke piped up again, this time in a better mood. "He's awesome."

"It's Himejima-san," Genya corrected with an irk mark on his forehead. "Don't go around giving him weird nicknames."

"Whatever. There's no doubt about it... He's the strongest demon slayer in the Corps. My skin tingles every time he's nearby."

Akiho was interested now since she's heard the boar-headed male mention about this sort of thing in the past. Like how Tanjirou had an amazing sense of smell and Zenitsu had extraordinary hearing, Inosuke seems to be able to feel slight differences in the air through his skin. "How so?"

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