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Both swordsmen huffed out labored breaths as they stared at the emptiness that was occupied by the demon seconds before. Akiho was the first to speak.

"You're a demon... No, a half-demon, too?" she asked with suspicion. Why did he attack her, then? She can understand if he had mistaken her for those demons that needed to be killed during selection, but she had clearly identified herself right after. She found him a bit hypocritical.

"'Too'? Hell no," Genya growled at the notion. So that's what she is. Do those things even exist? He didn't want to think about it and scoffed. His preconceived idea of her had caused him to be surprised when she jumped in to save him. He was perhaps a bit brash in the beginning but he wasn't going to admit that. Besides, there are actual demons around waiting to pounce at any given moment. "I don't care what the hell you are but don't lump me in there," he sneered as his eyes returned to normal. He picked his sword off the ground and sheathed it.

The girl was not a threat as she has shown her willingness to defend him, for now.

Yet Akiho continued to stare. He doesn't use Breaths, but he transforms... The few minutes that he transformed he was stronger, faster, and definitely like a demon. Was it a kind of blood technique? While the blood around his mouth was not his, she could still get the clear scent of human blood from his wound. He's not a demon.

"What are you exactly?"

"I don't have to explain shit to you," Genya shot back with a glare. "Get out of my sight before I change my mind and kill you. I'm going to finish this exam so don't come near me!"

The girl couldn't get another word in before he disappeared into the forest. She still had so many question, but he was right. They were still in the exam with a long way to go.

He was quite an interesting character, being human but can turn into a demon to attack other demons. In a sense, he was like her and she was intrigued to find out more about him. She gave where he ran off to a frustrated pout before leaving as well.

You better survive this, alright? I still have a lot of questions I want to ask you later.

When the strong scent of wisteria hit her nose again on the seventh day, Akiho knew that she made it. She had defeated numerous demons unscathed after the higher level one, but her clothes had gotten dirty from the bout of rain and all that battling. She sighed and looked up to the glowing forest of blue and purple trees in full bloom.

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