「with your head held high」

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It has been six days since Akiho started her streak of annihilating demons in the hopes that she will be one step closer to finding the pink-haired, golden-eyed, pale-skinned white demon with dark markings all over his body.

The amount of demons Akiho had slayed in the span of one week has long surpassed normal standards. It could be normal if she was at a place like Final Selection where demons were forcefully gathered in the masses, but to be able to seek them out separately across various towns was a feat.

It was scary.

The half-demon was scary.

"Enough!" Yatsu squawked as he tugged at Akiho's haori in resistance. "Return to the Demon Slayer Corps!"

"Let go of me," Akiho was barely functioning properly, but if she can still run and swing her sword, she was fine. The crow didn't let go and her eyes narrowed.

"Return now! Idiot! Idiot!"

"If you want to leave, then go!" she shouted and slapped the bird away. Yatsu nearly hit a tree and she immediately felt bad, but her sleep-deprived delirium was preventing her from thinking clearly. Her voice cracked when she tried to speak, "Yatsu... I'm sorry—"


At his absolute limit and being hit like that, Yatsu flew away from the girl without a final warning.

The three slayers met back up at nightfall in a central place after dispersing during the day for more ground cover.

"Any luck?" Mitsuri asked when her Kasugai Crow returned to her after another day of searching. The crow shook her head and she sighed. They managed to track down the general direction that she had went, but even with the crows, it was hard to have a lead when the girl wasn't staying at one place. "It's been six days for Akiho-chan and three for us. I'm worried."

Giyuu stayed silent, but Inosuke wasn't deterred and continued to run around yelling.

"Don't stop! We're close! I know it!"

"I want to believe you, but you've said the same thing yesterday..." the Love Pillar mumbled. She turned to the Water Pillar for support, "What about your crow, Tomioka-san?"

He shook his head and pointed to the old crow who was walking around on the forest floor in circles after a day of flying. She pouted but didn't lose hope in the poor old bird. You're doing you're best!

"How about Inosuke-kun?"

"Ha!" the boar-headed male puffed up his chest with a maniacal laugh. "If it comes back with no information, I'll eat it!"

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