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With the appearance of the Sound Pillar, the demon slayers immediately felt a sense of relief. However, there was no time to idle around. While the wives helped cut down the rest of the trapped women, Tengen rushed first to Tanjirou who was already battling the Upper Moon demon.

After making sure that Inosuke and Zenitsu was in control of the situation in the cave, she followed after the pillar to help with urgency in her mind. The scent of human blood was strong, and she gritted her teeth. With her demon speed she dashed towards the source and found large, devastating slash marks across the area and buildings. People were crying for lost ones or panicking from terrible injuries. She could feel the presence of the Sound Pillar further up ahead, already engaging in battle and before she could engage, Tanjirou crashed through a building with Nezuko in his arms.

Akiho could see clearly the bloodlust that was present in Nezuko's eyes. The girl had grown larger and more demonic with markings all over her body; something within her was awakened and it wasn't good.

"Akiho-san!" Tanjirou grunted in pain as he landed harshly on the ground. He was holding his sword between Nezuko's jaws as she writhed around. "Don't come over here! Nezuko's out of control!"

He looked beat up from battle and Nezuko must have seen this and went on a rampage to save her brother. Anger and bloodlust can consume a demon and make their minds go blank. In a sense, she knew exactly what Nezuko was feeling. She was halfway to that state before but her human side and reminders from Kyoujurou and the other pillars prevented her from sinking completely. Akiho knew what needed to be done.

She needs to hear his voice...

"Let me help!" she shouted. With quick movements, she tackled Nezuko and maneuvered to switch places with he struggling and hurt male. Holding the sword in place, she did her best to restrain the girl as she swung her clawed hands around. "Talk to her, Tanjirou!"

"I-I can't! My voice isn't reaching her!"

"Trust me!" Akiho gritted, using more strength to restrain the girl as Tanjirou frantically raked his brain for something to remind Nezuko of her humanity. She's strong...! Her strength is greater than most demons for not eating a single human. She'll break free if we don't hurry!

"The bloodlust—I stopped once I heard Master Kyoujurou's voice inside my head! Nezuko treasures you, so I know your voice can reach her, too. Say something... Something that can trigger her memories!"

It suddenly hit the male and he drew in a breath before starting to sing a lullaby from memory. His voice was shaky due to his difficulty in breathing from his injuries, but he sang of a little bunny from a little mountain. Nezuko squirmed and grunted, but as the melody flowed, she slowly stopped struggling. Tanjirou cupped the demon girl's cheeks as he continued to sing, and Akiho could feel the girl relax under her arms as the demon markings disappeared along with Nezuko's horn.

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