the crisis

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its been a while, ok when i say a while i mean 2 years.

i have lived in cali with my grandma for the past 2 years. i didnt expect to be living here for this long. its been ok ig. ok not really, i came to cali for my friends and hang out with them but they changed. they all became bitches, ALL OF THEM! i mean i was gone for 10 months and they already became bitches with me, i mean my bsf is dating my ex and all my other friends have turned there back on me. i can say i did go back to my school here. it was diffrent, i felt really out of place like i wasnt apart of them. so when i finished my sophmore year i decided to go back to georgia, only for a little. ive been saving money enough to stay there for like 3 weeks.

and here i was in the plane to georgia, will they remeber me? i havent talked to them in a while, i lost contact with them after my therapy, i agreed to stay at a hotel even though josh offered for me to stay at his place. josh was the only one who knew and i made sure he tols no one not even my parents. after i left the waltons house that day and left jaden the note i've lost all contact with my parents. once i arrived to cali i went to my grandmas house, i begged her to not tell my parents i was here, but ofc she did because my parents were "worried" abt me turns out jess and dj had gave the letter to my parents for them to read. thats how they foumd out abt cali. they kept trying to talk to me. at least my dad was. they kept sending money into my account even tho i barley used it. i had my own job that payed really well, for a shoe store.

as i arrived to georgia i saw josh standing there with a big sign with my name on it. jsh was the only one i kept in contact with, after 4 weeks me and waltons havent talked its like they ghosted me. i did change my number but i sent them all my new number. not a single text or call. i ran to josh as he hugged me and lifted me up in the air. "shes back!! the dumbass is backk!!" he said litterly squishing me. he put me down and grabbed my bags. i was only planning on staying for atleast a week or 2. he drove me to his house first to greet his mom and sister who i havent seen in so long. " hey miss riley, hi arianna" i said a lil shy ngl its been a long time " omg y/n" arianna said as she ran up to me and hugged me "its been so long why havent u come over i have so many roys i wanna show u" she said excitedly "ok now arianna calm down" her mom says. josh's mom and i are really close shes like another mother to me i feel like i can trust her with anything, "oh ur so tall and grown and gorgeos y/n," she says as she hugs me " thx miss riley" i say hugging her back " u know it wouldnt be a bother for u to stay here we do have a guest bedroom" she says heading to the kitchen " um no thx im actaully staying at a hotel" i say looking at joshua as he passes me a drink. " well the guest bedroom is always ready for whenever u wanna stay over ok sweethart" she says "thx mom so genourus of u but me and y/n got some things to do soooooo well be heading out" joshua says as he drags me to the dorr before arianna sees " dont forget to buy everythinh on that list joshua" miss riley yells form the kitchen " ok mom love u!" josh says as he uns to the car

" what list?" i ask " sum shopping list she gave me" josh says complaining and passing it to me. "well we can get starbucks and head to target to get these things" i say hoping he said yes. " no y/n today is supposed to be abt you, u finally came back after 2 years." " ik but i already saw everyting in georgia josh and i honetsly dont mind going to target to get this done, its not like i have anything else to do." i tell him as i lookat him with puppy eyes " fine we can go" he says rolling his eyes

"yes thank you sooooo much" i kiss his cheek excited to go. i check my phone every 5 seconds hoping i get a message from jaden or one of the waltons. " still havent talked to them huh?" josh asks looking at me then my phone. " yea.." i say looking out the window trying to hold some tears from coming out " hey its ok, im sure they just havent read the message yet. or maybe typed the wrong number" he says worried. " josh its been 2 years could it seriously take that long to realize u have the wrong number?" i look at him " look it doesnt matter anymore ok were here to have fun ok and if u want we can stop by there house?" " idk josh ill think abt it." i say actually wondering what would happen if i go over there.

we finally arrive to target and josh is pushing me in the cart to the food section. we get almost half way done with the list.

" ok now we need milk and butter, should be in this section" i say directing josh to the dairy section. " ok which milk is it?" josh ask " u seriously dont know what milk u drink?" i ask laughing " no i dont ok i only make sure we have milk so my dad dont go disaperring while looking for it" he says sarcastially as we both laugh, we somehow ended up in the toys section as i was looking for a toy for arianna as josh was being ridiculous putting on some fake jewlery for the dolls making me almost piss my pants. " joshua stop ur gonna make me pee this isnt funny" i say laughing so hard " yea well madam joshina doesnt aprecitae that" he says bowing down making me laugh " yea well madam joshina needs to find new jewlery becuase those earing are so tacky" i say laughinhg. " ooooo u messed up now y/n" he syas getting ready to tackle me " shit!" i say as i start running around the ailse with joshua chasing me looking like a runaway bride. i keep running and i looked back at josh " come back here y/n! im gonna get u" i keep laughing until i collapsed with something and hit my head hard on the floor, last thing i heard was "y/n?".

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