mistakes onto mistakes

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i didnt know abt the knife, i was behind henry the whole time. i didnt realize it, until once me and alex finished him off he told me abt it.

it might've happened when i attacked henry and pushing him into the ground causing y/n to fall after him. thats where it probably slit her and landed on her chest.

i kept looking at the knife with y/n's blood on it. not being aware of what was going on around me. 

*mumbled* "wanna......Wanna......wanna......"

"WANNA!" Jayla screamed Infront of me slapping me out of my thoughts as i stopped looking at the knife and paid more attention to Jayla. she had her hands on my shoulder as she shook me. she looked terrified and was sweating in fear. i knew she couldn't handle what was going on anymore. 

i looked at y/n who was getting carried by Alex out the room. it's like time froze. I didn't understand what was happening, we were supposed to go home in 1 day, this was supposed to be a fun vacation not a death vacation. 


"Come on let's go!" 

Jayla grabbed my hand as we both ran behind Alex as he was going down the fire escape stairs of the hotel. once we made it to the lobby there were tons of people staring at us. i could feel as their eyes made there way from me and Jayla running behind Alex to y/n's possibly dead corpse.

people were getting concerned and some were even recording from the parking lot as we made our way into the car.

and there i was.

 in the same spot i was in when jaden was the one who got stabbed.

my hand in the same placement on the wound, putting pressure to stop the bleeding.

flashbacks came back from that day, 

same spot

same wound

same person who caused this.

"were 4 minutes away!"


i looked at alex as he looked in the mirror and flashing lights blinding my eyes as alex pulled over to the side of the road.

ugh perfect timing.

there was a knock on alex window.

"yes?" alex asked as he had both his hands on the steering wheel and jayla looking at me nervously. 

"do you know how fast you were going young man!" one officer said

"yes i do officer but there is a rea-"

"license! right now!" the officer demanded

alex shook at the tone of the officer as he took his wallet out his back pocket carefully taking out the wallet as he gave it to the mean officer.

the officer checked the license as i saw the other officer look in the back window where me and y/n were on the other side of the car.

"are you guys doing any drug?!" the officer asked as he looked at both alex and jayla

the only reson he said that was because both there eyes were red. but it wasnt drugs, it was endless crys of jaden and y/n and no sleep for the past hours.

"no officer we dont so th-"

"sir!!" the other officer yelled at the officer who was asking alex questions as he finally saw me and y/n. he was mostly focused on y/n's bleeding corpse and how i was covered in blood once again.

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