for the first time.

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i was home just minding my buisness with dae. we were playing minecraft, i was just helping him with his world. after i while i went to my bathroom and showered. once i got out i didnt see daelo there anymore. hmmm ok wierd? i heard a lot of noise downstairs so i quickly changed and just went downstairs. i headed to the kitchen.

"hey what the hell is the noise?" i asked

and there she was, she was back. and she was buetiful. but why is she even here?

"y-y/n....?" i asked nervous. " hey jaden...." she said.  i could tell she was nervous and abt to choke up. why is she even here. why did wanna have to fucking bring her. and just when my life was going fucking great. ugh why does wanna ruin things for me.

" why is she even here?" i asked ngl it was in a bitchy tone, i looked at wanna " bc she came back a couple days ago and i wanted to hang out with her." he said giving me a glare. " so what she shows up and the first person she calls is you?" i say fucking annoyed. " jaden enough." mom said. " no.. no fuck this its always him its always wanna, wanna is the better twin, wanna is more tallented, wanna over jaden wanna over this and that. and now what this fucking bitch chooses him, i mean why wouldnt she shes always had a thing for using ppl cus shes a whore."

"ALRIGHT WTF JADEN SHE JUST GOT BACK AND YOUR ALREADY TREATING HER LIKE SHIT. SHE DID NOTHING TO YOU." wanna says as he stands up form his chair. " Right cuz leaving the person you say you fucking love for 3 whole FUCKING YEARS IS NOTHING!" i say practiaclyy yelling " alright jaden thats enought stop it"  " no dad im not stopping because this little bitch ass pussy shouldnt even be here at this point cuz shes a worthless piece of shit who disappears whenever she wants to especially after people scarifies themselves for a dumbass." i say while looking her in the eyes. her eyes were glossy, pfft pussy. " alr that enough u piece of shit" wanna say as he gets up infornt of my face. we both start yelling at eachother for why he brought her here. once he started pushing me i was gonna push back before dad got in between. cant fucking belive this rn.

i look at y/n this is all her fucking fault.   "i-i-i th-think i-ima jus-just go, umm thx for e-everything." she says as she finally makes her way to the door and leaves. "ugh fianlly" i say smirking "wth j what is ur problem," jayla says as she shoves me and goes upstairs. i see wanna come back in after chasing that bitch. he looks mad. " WTF JADEN WTF IS UR ISSUE WITH HER U FUCKING BITCH" he says raging his way to me. "what...she was being a bitch" i say as i look at wanna then my parents and then daelo. " thats it jaden jdub walton you go to your room this instint and your not coming out until i say so" my mom practialy yelling at me. wtv. i made my way upstairs and slammed my door and just jumped on my bed. god why is everything just my fault, i mean how can they not see the bad in her. i kept thinking abt the moment she turned around to see me and how nicley she said my name. she did glow up and was even more prettier than before.

wth jaden what are u talking abt you hate her, or do i? i mean seeing her eyes get glossy and her just wanting to cry did break me. maybe i did go to far?


i started to leave the walton house. it was raining just my luck. Ugh. Before I was gonna close the door, wanna stopped me and yelled my name through the rain. "Wait y/n.... Y/N PLEASE." I stopped walking and turned back to wanna. "What wanna" "please just wait Ok I'm sorry... I really am I didn't think he would yell at you like that." " we'll what did u expect wanna he hates me" I say letting my tears out " hey no he doesn't, I'm sorry just please come back Inside." He said practically begging as he slid his hand up to my cheek cleaning my tears. "No wanna it's fine ima just go sorry for bothering I didn't mean to cause drama" " no y/n you did nothing wrong ok it's just him and his issues just let me at least give you a ride back" " it's fine wanna just go back inside I'll be fine" " come on please" " it's ok wanna I'll text you when I'm there." " ok fine" he says pouting and sliding his hand off my cheek slowly onto my hands as I slowly start to walk away.

After I left I kept walking until I actually noticed how far Josh's house was and I couldn't text him to pick me up because he would be mad that I'm with the Walton's. So I walked back to the house. I didn't say anything. Instead I did something I knew I was gonna regret. I went back home. My house wasn't that far since it was right next to the Walton's house. I knocked on the door. Chris answered it. God how he grew. He saw me didn't notice me at first. Until Alex came behind him looking shocked and pale like he's seen a ghost. "y/n ur b-back" he said hugging me once chris realized he hugged me too. i did miss my brothers a lot. i hugged them back it felt amazing. " hey honey who was it?" i saw my mom say as she appeears behind them. " omg my baby" she said running to me hugging me a frantically putting her hands on my cheeks and arms looking at how grown i was. we both started tearing and she hugged me again. i did miss her afterall it was my dad who messed things up. 

mom led me inside. the house looked the same. i felt home. she grabbed me a towel to dry me up, i made my way up to my room. once i opened the door it was cleaned, better than how trashy i left it last time. i was looking around and looking out the windows, " you know mom would come in here at least 4 times a week and sleep here wishing you would comeback." alex said as i turned around to see him leaning on my door frame. "why did u leave y/n." i looked at him kinda not wanting to answer. " i think you know why alex." i said as i looked at my closet for some clothes to change in. "ik but u didnt have to leave the state." " what can i say i missed cali and wanted to go back, although now i wish i didnt." i said as i picked some sweats and a sweater to wear ontop of a crop. i close my door as alex leaves to change. 

as i finished changing i couldnt help but remeber all the memories that happened in the room. some fun and some bad but at the end it all happened with the waltons. i was sitting by my hanging chair near the winodw watching the rain and the sunset come together. then my phone rang. shit its josh. " hey josh wsp?" " y/n where are u? you havent answered my texts or calls, are you safe?" he ask worried " yes i am dont worry i am fine" " well where are you i can come pick you up" i hesitated before telling him where i actually wwas, maybe i shouldnt tell him. " its ok josh im staying over at a friends house for tn" " which friend?" he asks, damit. i run through my contacts to find someone to use for the lie "umm lucy. from robotics program from school, i ran into her during a walk and decided i would stay with her." "ok but just call me if anything." and with that he belived it, good. 

mom came upstairs and started talking with me, i told her everything that happemned in cali. i told her how i came back a couple days ago and how i was staying at joshuas house. i didnt want to tell her anything abt the waltons tho. that was for another day. she started talking abt things i missed out on while i was there in cali, and honestly i didnt expect to stay in cali for 2 years, but i did miss it for the most of it. once we almost done talking, we heard my dad walk in through the front door, he was coming back from work. i was scared to see him.what if he was mad at me or something. " hey guys im home i brought chinesse food" my dad said from downstairs. my mom went downstairs and understood that i was scared so she was preparing my dad for it. "kids come down" she said, that my cue. 

i head downstairs with chris infornt of me and alex behind me. and thats when dad saw me. "y/n ur back..." " hi dad...." i said awkwardly.  " he hugged me right away, i wasnt expecting that. i hugged him back, it felt nice. he then let go and started to look at me. " wow you have grown.' he said smiling as a tar came down his face. " ok guys come one lets eat." my mom said as she was setting up the table. dinner was great. it felt like everything was fianally normal again. we were all happy and laughing and talking abt many things. it felt right. once i finished i took the plates to the sink to help mom with the dishes. " i can see you missed this" she says taking each plate as she smiles at me. " i really did" i say smiling back at her and making my way back upstairs to my room. fianlly my room. 

i layed there just thinking abt what happened at the waltons household. thats when i got a call, jesus its josh again.....and wanna? i answer wanna " hey wsp." i say " u nevver texted me. are u ok?" " yea im fine wanna thx" " well where are you? cuz ur not at joshes" "wait what" i froze " i went by joshuas house to see u and apoligize and you werent there he said why i was goanna apoligize and i just told him what ahppened at my house" i froze at that last sentince. shit. " i ended the call with wanna and called back josh "so u lied to me you werent at lucy's you were at the waltons house and got into a huge argument with them." i can tell he was pissed "look josh i can explain ok." "no fucking save it, i get it you want the waltons, its fine ill drop your things off at there house tmrw morning" " wait j-" " goodbye y/n". 

he ended it. what the hell did i just do.....

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