the perfect girl

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(i might make javon endgame tbh im not sure yet, trigger warning * gun violence*)

it was 6 pm. josh hasn't come home yet. i've called him and texted him non stop. i even texted his friends to see if they knew where he was. nothing. i paitently waited for him to come back and hanged out with arianna. once i heard a car pull in we both ran to the window to see if it was josh. nope his parents. we both went downstairs and saw them. "anything?" i ask. they shake their heads no. -fuck- " its ok y/n he usually does this when hes mad and just comes back later or sleeps at a friends house. hes ok" his dad says comforting me i felt bad ngl. i didnt think it would affect him that much, he didnt seem to care at first. 

soon enough it was already 10. no josh yet. i layed in my bed and just sat there thinking abt all his words and wth was going on. soon enough i got a call. - what the? random number?-  i pick it up. "uh- hello?" i say " hello y/n" a voice says very raspy and enlighting. - what in the hell?- "um may i ask whos this?" " oh y/n you should know who this is, after all we do have chemestry" the voice laughs and takes a big breath in " listen i dont know who the fuck you are so please just leave me alone." i hang up the phone and lay back down. 1 minute goes by my phone rings again. ugh seriously. " i said leave me alone you freak." i say picking up the phone and almost close to ending the call. " i wouldnt end the call y/n" the voice says " what are u talking abt?"  i say starting to get scared. "oh poor little y/n has fallen right into my trap." the voice says " w-what do u mean?" i ask  " jesus y/n do u seriously have no clue whats going on i tricked you. i led you to my house and u fell for the trap now ur staying in you room locked up forever, im gonna savor you y/n. because you special and im not sharing with anyone else." the voice says " j- j- joshua?" 

" BINGOOO HAHAHA you finally got it." he says laughing  i get up from the bed and go up to the door. its locked. " what the hell joshua this isnt funny open the door." i say tyring to bugde it open. " oh no no no y/n, see u fell for my trap and now ur staying there until you learn ur lesson. after all i am watching you." he says in a deep voice sending chills down my spine. " and if u dare to call the cops which you wont be able to. another life gets taken." he says laughing. " w-what l-life." i ask stuttering a lot. " oh did u not see the video i sent you" he says laughing.i quickly go through my phone and looking for the numbers contact to see he sent me a video. i open it. my mouth dropped and tears coming out of my eyes and my whole body shaking hesitating of words. no words come out. " what happend y/n.... are u............ SCARED!  AHAHAHA dont worry y/n only one was hurt my least favorite ofc. got to save the 2 best for LASTTTTTTTTT" he says singing around. " l-l-l-let t-t-them g-g-go j-josh, j- just give me y- your lo-location and w-w-we can talk this through just p-p-p-please let them go" i says tears coming out and my whole body shaking as i wait for an answer.

 " oh no y/n see thats not how this is gonna work, let say we play a game shall we" he says as i groan and cry in fear. " im gonna ask you 4 questions answer all of them right i let them go, but..........if u answer one of them wrong the other gets shot aswell. see we already lost one cause you hanged up the call the first time. poor jayla. what do u say...... shall we start." he says chuckling " o-o-o-ok w-w-we can p-play it" i say agreeing to the game. " GREATTTTTT... alright question number one, when is my birthday?" he ask. thats an easy one " september 9" i answer confidently " good job y/n, next one whats my favorite movie?" he ask " umm.... jaws 1 " i answer "nice u got that one" he answers as i breath in " ok 3rd one what was javons first film?" he asks. "uhhh. ummmm e-e-e-e-euphoria?i answer stuttering hoping that was the right answer. " BOOP WRONGGGG if u listened closley u know i said film and it was adams family 2 you idiot AHAHA" he says as i hear the gun clicking back " NO NO PLEASE JOSHUA PLEASE U DONT HAVE TO DO THAT PLEASE JUST ONE MORE CHANCE PLEASE PLEA-."

 boom. the gunshot went off. i fell to the ground as i heard the gunshot go through and muffled voice screaming . " oh get up you big baby its nothing, 2 waltons down, one left to go. saved my favorite for last." he says chuckling " p-p-p-please please josh stop this p-p-please." i say begging " next question y/n, last one. you get this right jaden can leave back to his house, get this wrong and hes dead just like his siblings." he says in a deep raspy voice " p-please j-j-josh p-please" " DO U think im in the room with you, no turning around now y/n after all i can see u." he says histarically. -shit im fucked, this is gonna have to be a guess- " n-y-n-y-y-y-no." i answer hesitantly " pfftft to easy the answer was" i waited as the phone got silent. "yes" a gently whisper said behind me as it pinned me to the wall and chocked me. " a-a-ah j-j-josh please i-i-i c-cant b-b-breath." i say trying to get the strong grip out of my neck. " oh poor y/n if only you knew this isnt josh. no no josh is dead. this is..." he cut off as a light shined in his face " jaden....." i hestitated before answering. " correct darling." he says with a evil smirk on his face and his hand still on my neck and the other with the phone in his hand 

" cool isnt it" he says with a josh impression " took weeks to learn.. ahaha" he says laughing. "b-b-but h-how?" i question him confused "oh darling you didnt think i know you would be back? i've been tracking joshuas phone seeing the messages between the both of you and the calls. all the hot drama that has happened in cali.... ah ha talk abt tea. see it didnt take long to know when u were gonna be back i mean after the target incident and then the McDonald's incident i mean jesus i think were soulmates." he says chuckling and taking a pause as i still struggle to breath. " y-y-your i-i-in-sane" i manage to let out in between breaths. " oh no darling im not insane. nono..... see this.... this is all payback.... yup.. payback for all the amount of times you made me suffer and break apart and hurt me." he says looking down and reaching behind him. " now your the one thats getting hurt." he says pulling out the gun "w-what" i say looking at him " you really wanted to die last time, now ill make sure of it" he says pointing the gun to my head.

boom. gunshot went off.

but then... i woke up.

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