this could be us

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- Y/N'S POV- 

i finished reading arianna her book ans she eneded up falling alseep. i tucked her in and went back down to the kitchen to see josh and his mom there. i walk up to them " oh y/n honey thanks again for getting the groceries and everything." miss riley says looking at me " oh no problem, i had fun" i said as i grab my stuff "josh u think u can drop me off at a hotel near" i asked josh " um y/n u know i think its just best for you to stay with us not that i dont mind u going to the hotel but its the first time im seeing u since 2 years and ur only staying for 2 weeks maybe u can just stay and we can have a lot of fun" he says practally begging at me " fine ig i can stay here since my stuff is still in the car but are u guys sure i wont be a bother. its ok if i am i can always just go to the hotel." i say " pft nonsense y/n, you are always welcome here whenever u like too" josh mom says " thx miss riley" i say hugging her " now y/n, when are u gonna start calling me riley like u used to" she says lauhging " josh honey get her stuff out the car and put it into the guest room" she orders josh as i go and help.

once i got settled in and showered to relax i was scrolling through tik tok and saw a bunch of edits of me and the waltons with the caption been 3 year now that they havent seen eachother or talked wish, there friends ship was the best, cant belive its been 3 years, y/n was so wonderful and amazing with the waltons, i loved there friendship and it goes on. i realized people didnt know i was back in geargia and that today was officaly 3 years since i left them. i saw a lot of edits since i was mostly tagged into them but there were also hate edits basically blaming me of rumors and stuff that happened between just assuming a lot of things. i saw Jaden had commented on one of the edits saying " 3 years since she left best 3 years of my life so far." i was shocked, i cant belive he would say that i just kept looking at it and cried until there was a knock on the door. i cleaned up and answered it. "oh hey josh" i said " hey what u up to?" he looks at my glossy eyes " wth..? what happened?" i hugged him and just broke down. he holded me tight not even letting go " hey its ok alr wtv it is its not worht crying for" he said i showed him jadens comment and and he lloked furious. "that ass whole cant belive him."

" ik what will cheer u up" he said " what" i say looking up at him. he brings me to his room and i see he prepared a whole gaming and movie set. "suprise" he says uncovering my eyes. " woah josh this is amazing thank you" i go up and hug him this is so cool. we spend hours and hours playing games when i get a text. i check the phone to see a number, must be wanna. " hey josh give me a sec" " yea sure take all the time u need love." he syas, i get up and go out to pick up the phone " hello?" i say " hey y/n?, its javon" he says " ik wanna" i take a deep breath as i prepare for everything. i headed down to the sofa " i wanted to ask u something ....well alot of things. i was gonna sleep but i need answers." he  says " ok wanna go ahead." i say ready to answer any question he asked. he asked a lot, alot of them i could answer some of them i couldnt. i spent what felt like hours talking ot wanna abt it. it was alot.


y/n had left to pick up the phone i was hoping it wasnt javon. as i kept playing i got bored a little so i went to the bathroom and then scrolled on tik tok as i waited for y/n to come back.

its been like almost an hour. the hell is she doing? i get up from my bed and start looking for her around the house. shes in the living room talking to wanna? for fuck sake why. i over here some of the converstation. " ofc i still love jaden i love all u guys" she said. thats all i need to hear. i went back to my room and just stayed there.


after i finish the call with wanna, i check the time shit its 2 in the morning. i quickly get up from the couch and run to josh's room tryna explain why i took so long. once i reached his door knob i tried to open the door. its.......locked? i knock in the door a couple times, " hey uh josh the door is locked can u open it?" no response. " im sorry i took long it was just my grandma, but my attention is all on you now." i say still struggling with the door knob. maybe hes asleep. 

i leave the door and go back to my room. i end up fallin asleep easliy then ever.

-the next morning -

i woke up and got ready in some sweat pants and a hoodie with my jordan 4's. i start heading downstairs and see riley arianna , josh's dad frank and josh in the kitchen. " good morning everyone" i say. everyone says goodmorning excpet for josh. i grab  some cereal and sit next to josh " so what on the agenda today?" i ask. " nothing" he says softly as he moves away form me and takes his bowl to the kitchen and leave me at the table. ok thats wierd? after i finished my breakfest and helpes clean up i go up to josh room and see if hes in there.

 " hey josh u ok? ur acting really wierd?" i ask softly as i sat on his bed. he was playing his game but i knew he could hear me because on of his ears were free from the headset. " joshua?" i say again. no response. " uh hello josh..." i say shaking him a little. " dam it i died wth do u want y/n" he yelled at me. " why are u fucking yelling at me?!" i yell back " well why wouldnt i your the one that wants to be all lovey dovey with wanna" he says back " yo- you heard me yesterday?... " i say softly looking into his eyes " yea i did,  i mean u never stop thinking abt them its always javon and jaden, javon and jaden, JAVON AND JADEN ALL THE GOD DAM FUCKING TIME I MEAN FUCK DO U EVEN STILL CARE ABT ME." he says back " of- ofc i do josh i- i always have-" i say before he cut me off " no the fuck you dont y/n you dont, everything has always been abt the waltons all the dam time. you are so caught up in there bullshit you dont realize what they actually do to you and whats going around you its like ur trapped in there love or some shit." he syas back " wth is your problem with them josh, you never had a problem with them at all and now whta suddenly u do?"i ask him so confused. " ive always had a problem with them y/n always, ever since u fucking left we had gotten in a fight blaming eachtoher cuz u left,  they hurt you so many fucking times y/n and ur so fucking blind to not even notice it. you dont care abt me or abt anybody else but u and the waltons." he yells back . im confused now wtf? " ofc i care abt everybody else ok at the time it was something i was getting used to thats why it was such a big deal josh, but ofc i care abt you i always have." i say at the verge of tears. " if thats so then why did you leave jaden that letter of you leaving instead of me." he says as he looks me in the eyes and runs out his room. 

" w- wait josh i-" i say running to him before he left the house and took the car, i didnt think it ment that much to him. as i was looking out the front door. arianna came behind me and hugged me " its ok y/n he will be back" she says "ik ari. ik." i say back.

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